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Welcome to the Wiki of the Vacuum Ultra Violet experiment, below you will find details about the experiment such as manuals and measurement data, as well as presentations about this setup.

Possible experiment names (most are not great, some are terrible):

DUVET - Detector-material UV ExperimenT

MAUVE - MAterial UV Experiment

VULTURE - Vakuum Ultraviolettes Licht Transmission(?) Und Reflexion Experiment (excuse my German..)

ULTARE - Ultraviolet Light Transmission And Reflection Experiment

SUMO - Scintillation Ultraviolet Material Optics

CHMOD - CHaracterization of Material Optics for Detectors / CHaracterization of Material of Other Detectors

SOUVENIR - Scintillation Optics UV Experiment ... ??

VUVUZELA - Vacuum UV ..??... Experimental Light Assesment

VULCAN - Vacuum ULtraviolet Characterization At Nikhef

Goal of the experiment

With the VUV experimental setup we would like to learn more about the optical properties of materials for scintillation based time projection chambers (TPC). We want to measure fluorescence, reflectivity and transmittivity of PTFE from the XENON experiment and wavelength shifting foils from DUNE under UV light in vacuum. We would like to also cool our samples to better simulate the environment inside a TPC. For the wavelength shifting material, we would like to see if there is any degradation with prolonged exposure to UV light or radioactivity.

The working of the experiment as well as the to-do's are explained on this page.

Components of the experiment

McPherson Monochromator and attachments

Hamamatsu deuterium lamp

Pfeiffer vacuum pump

Ideal vacuum vacuum chamber



Sensor connections


CAD drawing software

ITEM table

Cooling system

Sample holder

Source code overview

There is a slow control computer and a data acquisition (DAQ) computer. The slow control computer has Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, which will be updated until after 2030. An X2go server has been installed on the desktop which allows remote connection (at the moment this is not yet available). X2go is not compatible (yet) with newer versions of Ubuntu, so do NOT upgrade to a newer version. The user name is superuser. A manual to connect remotely can be requested by marjolein (will put it on the wiki later, promise). The DAQ computer is not yet installed.

We are using python for the source code running on the Raspberry Pi for both UI and data acquisition (apart from the Arduino sketch written in C++).

The code can be found at

VUV code overview



Designing the sample chamber for vacuum ultraviolet reflection measurements by Jeroen van der Borgh

Building a sample chamber for measuring the reflectivity and transparency of detector materials at VUV wavelengths by Casimir van der Post


Spot size 23-11-2021

Spot size Vikas/Casimir



Parts & Ordering

Company contacts for ordering parts

Component ordering



  • Araujo, G. R., Pollmann, T., & Ulrich, A. (2019). Photoluminescence response of acrylic (PMMA) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) to ultraviolet light. The European Physical Journal C, 79(8), 1-8.
  • Boulay, M. G., Camillo, V., Canci, N., Choudhary, S., Consiglio, L., Flammini, A., ... & Wang, H. (2021). Direct comparison of PEN and TPB wavelength shifters in a liquid argon detector. The European Physical Journal C, 81(12), 1-7.
  • Ellingwood, E., Benmansour, H., Hars, Q., Hucker, J., Pereymak, V., Corning, J. M., ... & Stringer, M. (2022). Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence of poly (methyl methacrylate) compared to 1, 1, 4, 4-tetraphenyl-1, 3-butadiene down to 4 K. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1039, 167119.
  • Fiebrandt, M., & Awakowicz, P. (2020). A simple Peltier cold trap aperture for protection of vacuum UV optics against hydrocarbons and reliable calibration of VUV spectrometers using D2 lamps. Measurement Science and Technology, 31(7), 077002.
  • Gallacher, D., Leonhardt, A., Benmansour, H., Ellingwood, E., Hars, Q., Kuźniak, M., ... & Stringer, M. (2022). Development and characterization of a slow wavelength shifting coating for background rejection in liquid argon detectors. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1034, 166683.
  • Kuźniak, M., Broerman, B., Pollmann, T., & Araujo, G. R. (2019). Polyethylene naphthalate film as a wavelength shifter in liquid argon detectors. The European Physical Journal C, 79(4), 1-6.

Other references

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