CAD drawing software

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To use the CAD drawing software in which the different designs have been made, one can download the Siemens NX student version at or by connecting remotely to the computer with the software installed at NIKHEF. Make sure to check if the NIKHEF version is compatible with the student version if you decide to work on two systems. And if you want to send drawings to the workshop, that your version is also compatible.

Instructions for remote connection

Ask Espen de Wit to be added to the group of NX users.

If you or your student wants to connect to 'trisul' from your (personal/Nikhef) laptop (from outside of Nikhef) it is necessary to install and have EduVPN active. Instructions for installing this are described here: It is available on Windows, macOS and Linux and the setup is simple. If you are working from a Nikhef managed Windows machine (located @Nikhef) then you don't need to install EduVPN.

After installing you need to use a Remote Desktop Tool. In Windows you can search for 'Remote Desktop Connection' (installed in the OS), on macOS you can download 'Microsoft Remote Desktop' from the AppStore and on Linux there is a program called 'Remmina'.

Once you have the tool installed you can use as the hostname. Once it has made a connection, it will ask for your Nikhef username and password. If you enter this it should connect you to the machine.