Component ordering

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Monochromator paint (black non-reflective paint)

"Super-black" foil (the same as the paint, but as foil)

Superinsulation foil

Ordered components

Ordered components
Model Quote Delivery Quantity
720EX €4,520 30 days 1
S13360-6075CS €224.00 (1 pcs) 6 weeks 2
C12332-02 €422.00 5 months 1


Model Sampling rate (MS/s) Resolution (bits) Transfer rate (MB/s) DC data weight (MB/s) Memory buffer (MS/ch) Channels Quote Delivery Link Notes
720EX 250 12 30 75 1.25 8 €4,520 €85 - 30 days [720]
720GX 250 12 30 75 10 8 €6,140 €85 - 30 days [720] **Ordered**
725 250 14 30 87.5 0.64-5.12 8 [725]
730 500 14 30 175 0.64-5.12 8 [730] Faster than needed

DC data weight = throughput of information from dark counts based on VUV SiPMs

Counter components
Product Count rate (MHz) Pulse pair resolution (ns) Pulse size Quote Link Notes
Counter - 928 200 7 -1.6 to 3 V in 1.5 mV steps (minimum pulse 30mV) [928]
Discriminator - 9302 100 10 Minimum 50 mV [9302] Dark count signals too small
Discriminator - 9307 100 10 Minimum 25 mV [9307]
Discriminator - 9327 1000 10 Minimum 30 mV [9327] Dark count signals too small
Model Range (nm) Working temp ('C) Photosensitive area Count rate (kcps) Count rate by array (kcps) Efficiency at 360nm Quote Delivery Link Notes
S13360-3075CS 270 - 900 -20 to 60 3x3mm (1x1) 500 - 1500 500 - 1500 36 [S13360] Same mounting as VUV SiPM, 50% detection efficiency at peak
S13360-6075CS 270 - 900 -20 to 60 6x6mm (1x1) 2000 - 6000 2000 - 6000 36 €224.00 (1 pcs) 6 weeks [S13360] Same mounting as VUV SiPM, 50% detection efficiency at peak **Ordered 2**
S13362-3050DG 320 - 900 -20 to 60 3x3mm (1x1) 25 - 72 25 - 72 29 €323.75 (1 pcs) €1412.50 (5pcs) 5-6 weeks [S13362] Very low dark count rate - isothermally cooled
S14160-6050HS 270 - 900 -40 to 85 24x24mm (4x4 of 6x6mm) 4500 (typ) 18000 (max) (2.5uA - 7.5uA) 40 €102.50 (1pcs) €450.00 (5 pcs)/€825.00 (16 array) 5-6 weeks [S14161] Higher dark count rate - encased
S14160-3050HS 270 - 900 -40 to 85 24x24mm (4x4 of 6x6mm) 4500 (typ) 18000 (max) (2.5uA - 7.5uA) 40 €825.00 (1 array)/€3625.00 (5 array) 5-6 weeks [S14161] 16 array - need the channels, Higher dark count rate - encased
S13361 270 - 900 -20 to 60 16x16 (8x8 of 2x2mm) 300 - 900 19200 - 57600 25 [S13361] Large arrays - 32 connectors (too many)
S13361 320 - 900 -20 to 60 12x12 (4x4 of 3x3mm) 500 - 1500 8000 - 24000 25 [S13361] Large arrays (too many connectors)
Product Model Quote Info
Optical cable AI2700 €85 + 21% VAT + €50 delivery 30cm or 5m |in stock
PCI disk A2818 €1.050 No USB connection | in stock
Evaluation board C12332-02 €422.00 **Ordered 1**
Pulse processing DPP-PSD €1,390 Works for 720, 725, 730 - will use XAMS software as much as possible
Bias supply Workshop?
Vacuum cables
SiPM holder PTFE Do we have any already?
SiPM holder copper + copper block
Thermal cable $4020-$4200 [Tech apps] --> allows customisation
Safety gloves $200-300 per pair Just 1 pair?
New table 1.278,52 From Item, original --> [3D viewer]
Flexible vacuum hose [Pfeiffer] - solution=disconnect the pumps


File:QMX-1711-22 NIKHEF CAEN V1720 8 ch digitizer(810).pdf

File:Hamamatsu MPPC quotes.pdf

File:P22-09150 NIKHEF - Emily Brookes(1212).pdf

File:ITEM quote.pdf