
From PDP/Grid Wiki
Revision as of 20:39, 11 December 2009 by Davidg@nikhef.nl (talk | contribs)
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jGridstart screenshot

Get started with the grid easily. jGridstart helps grid end-users to request, obtain, install and renew grid certificates in a friendly way.

Using a large computing grid like BiG Grid and EGEE requires some form of accountability. This is done using digital certificates. jGridstart helps a grid user to manage these, coordinated by a grid certification authority. Currently, the DutchGrid CA is using jGridstart.

You can test drive jGridstart.



If you are a user, you may want to consult the online documentation. In case you have a problem when using this program, please refer to the support page.

Grid authorities

Grid authority

When you are supplying certificates to users and are looking for improvements to the request process, you may consider adapting jGridstart to your needs. The software is fully multi-platform and open source. Please note that this project is relatively young, but do feel free to contact the developers for discussion.



Developers are welcome to participate in this open source project. Please find more information in the developers section.