Agile testbed/Cloud

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There is an effort to add a cloud to the [Agile testbed]. It is based on OpenNebula and currently runs on only, and currently in development.


  • MAC and IP addresses handed out by OpenNebula
  • An OpenNebula hook will be added to register the machine's name with DNS dynamically
  • There will be three networks, initially:
    • Closed: no internet connection (vbr0)
    • Private: internet access, masqueraded to the outside world (vbr1)
    • Public: public IP addresses, bridged (vbr2)

Image repository

There will be an image repository at /srv/cloud/images/repo containing base images for various operating systems. These will be updated daily by a cronjob.


When a cloud machine is instantiated from a base image from the repository, the machine should still be configured for the specific instance. This is done by an init script that is present in all base images, which sets up the network and runs any machine-specific initialisation. The OpenNebula contextualisation features will be used for this.

Future directions

When the cloud is properly setup, future directions can be explored like:

  • Using virtual machines from within Hudson
  • Moving other parts of the testbed to the cloud, if it turns out to be an improvement.