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JGridstart is an open source project, licensed under the GPL (version 2 or later). It was developed at Nikhef as part of the BiG Grid project.

Developer documents

Building from source

JGridstart is being developed in a subversion repository: active SVN branch (web access). To build the latest trunk from source, make sure that you have installed a Java development environment, Ant, and Graphviz (for the Javadoc diagrams; make sure dot is in your path), then run:

 svn checkout https://ndpfsvn.nikhef.nl/repos/pdpsoft/branches/nl.nikhef.jgridstart-flyingsaucer/nl.nikhef.jgridstart
 cd nl.nikhef.jgridstart
 ant dist

This results in signed JAR in the subdirectory deployment, together with java web start related files. When developing, one can run jGridstart from the in-tree class files using the shellscript jgridstart.sh (or jgridstart.bat on Windows).