Agile testbed/Cloud/Installation notes

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This page contains notes on the installation of the agile testbed cloud.

Base install

  • Install CentOS 5 bare-bones
  • Setup LDAP authentication (see this guide)
    • add ldap to /etc/nsswitch.conf's passwd, shadow and group entries
    • configure /etc/ldap.conf according to this
    • make sure the DutchGrid CA certificate is in /etc/openldap/cacerts/16da7552.0 (from rpm or here)
    • add an appropriate before each pam_unix line in /etc/pam.d/system-auth
    • create homedirs for your users as /user/<username> with correct owner
  • Enable Xen (see also Xen on CentOS 5)
    • yum install xen kernel-xen
    • make grub boot Xen kernel by default (change default in /boot/grub/menu.lst), add nosmp to kernel cmdline and reboot


  • Install and configure OpenNebula
    • add EPEL repository
    • install packages: ruby ruby-devel gcc gcc-c++ make openssl-devel scons flex bison
    • enable Karan Extras repository and install xmlrpc-c: yum install --enablerepo=kbs-CentOS-Testing xmlrpc-c-devel
    • download and install OpenNebula
      • either manually from source, installing a recent sqlite first (according to manual)
      • or use the spec file
  • Setup dynamic DNS
    • install and configure bind
    • create OpenNebula hooks with ddns-update script
  • Setup image repository

OpenNebula documentation Building Clouds presentation Virtual Machines working group


  • Enable passwordless ssh login from master for oneadmin user
  • Install ruby
  • Add to master