NDPF Disk Servers

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NDPF Disk Servers

The table below should bring some order in the the hooi-* disk servers.

The following color coding is used in this table: red: core services, yellow: generic NFS export, purple: DPM pool partition, aqua: Classic SE partition, olive: Unused partition

Disk servers in the NDPF
Hostname Partition Size Mount Point Comments
hooibaal sda1 229 GB /export/perm dzero
sdb1 1.8 TB /export/cache generic
hooiberg sdb1 2.0 TB /export/array1 phicos; NFS export only?
sdc1 848 GB /export/array2 dzero; NFS export only?
hooikist (sda1) (1.6 TB) /export/cache1 available, DPM server not yet configured
(sdb1) (1.6 TB) /export/cache2 available, DPM server not yet configured
(sdc1) (1.6 TB) /export/cache3 available, DPM server not yet configured
(sdd1) (1.1 TB) /export/cache4 available, DPM server not yet configured
hooikuil sda1 7.6 GB /export/scratch
sda2 184 GB /export/scratch1
sda3 184 GB /export/scratch2
sda4 84 GB /export/scratch3
sdb1 1.8 TB /export/cache DPM pool generic
hooimijt sda1 124 GB /export/perm local user's homes, accounting, gridmapdir, grid-security
sda2 1.8 TB /export/cache pool account homes, esia
hooischelf sda1 1.6 TB /export/cache1 pool Atlas-D
sdb1 1.6 TB /export/cache2
sdc1 1.6 TB /export/cache3
sdd1 1.1 TB /export/cache4 pool DANS-D
hooivork sda1 1.6 TB /export/cache1 pool LHCB-D
sdb1 1.6 TB /export/cache2 pool Atlas-D
sdc1 1.6 TB /export/cache3
sdd1 1.1 TB /export/cache4 pool Alice-D