NDPFAccouting pbsaccdbconf

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The pbsaccdb.conf file contains the scaling information and dtabase access credentials needed for the pbsaccdb.pl script to extract information for the Torque "accounting" files and insert the records into the NDPF accounting database (on fulda). The file should be owned by root with permissions 0640 or less. It looks like:

       node15-.*:2.800 \
       node18-.*:0.993 \
       node16-.*:2.000 \
       node17-.*:3.200 \
       node1-.*:0.800 \
       wn-gfrc-.*:1.68 \
       wn-hall-.*:3.14 \
       wn-bull-.*:3.79 \
       wn-lui1-.*:5.46 \
       wn-lui2-.*:5.46 \

The scaling factors are the conversion from node native hours to 'GHzHourEquivalents', assuming that the times reported by Torque are *true* wallclock times, and are not scaled by Torque (i.e., do not use the factors in pbs_mom/config) By NDPF definition, 1 GHzHourEquivalent is 410 SI2k.hours, so a node with a base performance rate of 2260 SI2k (approx. 13 SI2006baseRate) comes out at a GHzHourEquiv rating of 5.52.

The 'facility' name is used to distinguish between clusters with different sets of poolaccounts (in case of grid), and it also used to make unique JobID records in the UR-WG sense. The uid-to-DN (and gid-to-FQAN mapping) are scoped to this facility name in the database (through the 'facility' table, and the 'facilityID' in the user and group tables).