GSP Virtualisation with Xen

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The Grid Server Park machines (general services used for Nikhef and BiG Grid) is going to be run with a centrally managed and controlled virtualisation environment. After the testing and evaluation period it is likely (but not yet certain) that the Open Source Xen Cloud Platform (XCP, version 1.5beta) is going to be chosen to run this infrastructure. The aim is to bring all systems under XCP control, managed in a set of clusters:

General information


Cluster qty system type VM server hostnames current master
Piet 16 systems M610: 12 cores, 24 SMT threads, 96 GiB, 2x600GB 10k SAS, dual 8G FC, dual 1GbE + dual 10GbE vms-piet-*
Generic 8 systems PE2950: 8 cores, 24 GiB, 4x500GB 7k2 SATA, dual 1GbE vms-gen-* vms-gen-05
BL0 5 systems M610: 8 cores, 32 GiB RAM, 2x300GB 10k SAS, dual 1GbE (+dual 8G FC) vms-bl0-*
Security 2 systems PE2950: 8 cores, 24 GiB, 4x500GB 7k2 SATA, dual 1GbE vms-sec-*


Installation network

Server installation

Faking XenServer 6.0 for XenCenter Management

Management clients


Where are the VM disk images (VDIs)

Connecting with FC

Connecting with iSCSI

Connecting with NFS

About local disk


Dead VM server

Dead VM cluster master

Disable HA if it is enabled. We don't use HA (it's not part of XCP), but its harmless to try anyway. Login to any other node in the cluster and type

xe pool-ha-disable

and list all hosts in the pool to find the UUID of a slave host you want to become the new master

xe host-list

and make it happen with

xe pool-designate-new-master host-uuid=UUID

Now since the master is dead (that's why we started in the first place), we make it explicit to the old slave to start working:

xe pool-emergency-transition-to-master

and connect to the slaves again

xe pool-recover-slaves


Incinerated VM servers

If the VM server is dead and will never come back, you can 'forget' the host from the CLI (on any server in the pool):

xe host-forget uuid=UUID

but if there are still running VMs assigned to it, it will refuse for forget the server. Remove the VMs first by forcing them off using

xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid=UUID --force


VMs on a dead server

You can declare a VM 'shut down' via the CLI on a dead VM server:

xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid=UUID --force
