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The "ha-always-run" option is depricated, and XCP1.5 and XenServer 6 don't offer autostart. We can script it for hosts aiuth an afficity by starting all VMs who's afficility is the local host (of course apart from teh control domain. This should run some time  after boot, e.g. in /rc.local, or it will continue to restart servers we shut down on purpose. And then: servers that ''should not'' autostart should not have an affinity ;-)
The "ha-always-run" option is depricated, and XCP1.5 and XenServer 6 don't offer autostart. We can script it for hosts aiuth an afficity by starting all VMs who's afficility is the local host (of course apart from teh control domain. This should run some time  after boot, e.g. in /rc.local, or it will continue to restart servers we shut down on purpose. And then: servers that ''should not'' autostart should not have an affinity ;-)
== Updating XCP ==
Apart from a major upgrade by re-install, upgrading XCP using the CentOS repos may be dangenrous. At least, the following RPMs ''must be excluded'' from the update:
rpm -qa --queryformat "%{NAME}\t%{VENDOR}\n" | grep -v CentOS | awk 'BEGIN {a=""} {split($0,array,"\t"); a=a" "array[1]"*" } END {print "exclude="a"\n"}'
and this added to the CentOS base Yum configuration file. In particular lvm2 must never be upgraded.
See also:
* http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/xen/api/245286?do=post_view_threaded

Revision as of 08:47, 5 June 2012