Adding local users

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Login to hooimijt first, and then run the script

 /export/perm/adm/bin/makeuser <username>

with either the arguments like:

 -e -n "Test User" -l "NIKHEF H1.56" -p "+31 20 592 2179" -g 100 testusr2

or answer all questions. You have to be one of the predefined administors in order to complete the procedure.

Finally, add the public ssh key of the user to


and the new user should be able to login. The option to edit the authorized_keys file is also presented to you just before the makeuser script terminates.


 Usage: ./makeuser [-h] [-g gid] [-e email] [-n name] [-p number] 
            [-l loc] <username>

This script will create a new user in the NDPF, updating the LDAP directory and initializing the user's home directory. The opportunity to edit the ssh authorized_keys file is presented at the end.

The uidNumber is automatically obtained from the LDAP directory, if the appropriate description entry in ou=LocalUsers, stating the next available uidNumber, is present. It is incremented on user creation.


  • this script MUST be run on
  • the LDAP directory (master) is assumed to be at ldaps://