MoniFarm Utilities

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MoniFarm Utilities

Monifarm is a script to collect data from a local batch system and from a local CE GRIS (Glue Schema v1.2) and store the results in a Round Robin Database (RRD) using the rrdtool programme from Toby Oetiker.

Examples of what MoniFarm does can be seen at the [NDPF Statistics Pages], which are entirely based on MoniFarm.


To use monifarm, you need RRDTool from Toby Oetiker, and the OpenLDAP clients (for the GRIS-Views). OpenLDAP is part of your standard OS distribution, and RPM with RRDTool (for RHEL3 and compatible systems) can be obtained from DAG, or here: Media:rrdtool-1.0.48-1.rhel3.dag.i386.rpm.


Download the tar ball and binaries from For an excert directly from CVS, please contact the maintainers.