Shutting Down WorkerNodes
From PDP/Grid Wiki
Revision as of 14:10, 24 April 2009 by (talk | contribs)
The simplest method is to use a execute 'shutdown -h now' on all nodes, for example using the following statement from a UI or the PBS server:
for n in $(pbsnodes -a | grep ^wn-) ; do echo $n ; ssh root@$n 'shutdown -h now' ; done
Note that this assumes that the host names of all worker nodes follow the naming convention
and that the nodes must have a running ssh daemon.
If you prefer to use IPMI, execute
ipmitool -P <PASSWORD> -U root -H chassis power off
where <PASSWORD> is the IPMI management password for host. The advantage of this solution is that it stops switches the node off via its power supply, which will work irrespective of the state of the OS. However, this does not allow the OS to shutdown properly, so data corruption may occur at the disks.