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User documentation provided by PDP group

Modern C Compiler, ROOT, Geant
How to get access (via SFT) to more recent versions of ROOT, gcc / g++, python and other tools, than provided by the system (no need to install them yourself)
Modern versions of other tools
take a look at the Modern C Compiler, ROOT, Geant page, there is other software there too. For example, scikit-learn and Tensorflow
An alternative method for setting up a modern python ecosystem together with root and many python modules
Grid UI setup
Setting up grid tools for use on your desktop and/or Stoomboot
How to use Magboltz and Garfield from Nikhef computer systems.
Notes for using the dCache file system.
Stoomboot Scheduling
Some general information on how job scheduling works on Stoomboot

Documentation regarding maintenance of above systems

Anaconda Maintenance
Updating anaconda, packages, environments and whatnot
dCache Administration
dCache server administration and client setup.

PDP projects

Running Projects
currently running projects in the PDP group.
general guidelines for documentation associated with starting, running, and ending projects
Completed Projects
Archive of information for completed projects
Designs of infrastructure that we have created and like to share