JGridstart/2012 Collaborathon
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</sidebar> In December 2012, there will be a jGridstart hacking day. Since the main developer is leaving, this is the main means of transferring knowledge to other people. Please feel free to contact me when you'd like to join.
Thursday, the 13th of December, 2012. Thanks for filling in the Doodle poll.
The idea is to give an in-depth presentation in the morning at Nikhef, and delve into the code together in the afternoon in the collaboratorium. Getting your hands a little dirty will help you to get to know jGridstart a bit better.
Presentation (morning)
We start at around 10.00 in H2.20. If there's anything more you'd like to learn about, please let me know!
- Introduction
- What is jGridstart, and what does it do? The user-perspective, which is what it's all about in the end.
- Behind the scenes: what is happening that the user doesn't see? RA, CA, and all that.
- Philosophy: never to forget
- Design overview
- Modules
- Dependencies
- Tools and libraries
- Maven
- BouncyCastle and the JCA
- ProGuard
- Java Web Start
- (Eclipse)
- Code & contepts
- Actions
- Observer/listener
- ...
- Hacks
- PKCS12KeyStoreUnlimited
- Copying files while retaining permissions
- Customising the file dialog
- Firefox PKCS#12 installation
- ...
- Closing off
- Some statistics: what's the value?
- Open ends & the future: dirt, unfinished work, grand ideas, bugs, and more
- Conclusion
- Where on the web
Collaborathon (afternoon)
As said, in the Collaboratorium, Amsterdam Science Park. Bring your laptop with VGA or HDMI output, a Java development kit, git, Maven and, if you like, Eclipse. Dig into the code, look at bugs (and fix them!), ask questions, learn about Java development, and have fun.