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Revision as of 14:21, 3 August 2009 by Wvengen@nikhef.nl (talk | contribs) (typo)
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jGridStart 1.0alpha1 is the very first pre-release of jGridstart. As such it contains known bugs and is not suitable for end-users. While production grid certificates reside in ~/.globus, this version operates on ~/.globus-test to keep it safe. Later versions will operate on ~/.globus by default. Also, certificate requests are posted to a test certificate authority, so you can play with it as you like without bothering the real CA.

You are welcome to test this version! Please notify us of any bugs you find, for the moment via email wvengen+jgridstart@nikhef.nl .

To request a dummy certificate via jGridstart, please follow these steps:

  1. Open jGridstart 1.0alpha via java web start
  2. Request a new certificate (if this is not clear upon running jGridstart, it is considered a bug)
  3. When you have submitted your request, you don't need to visit a registration authority in person for this test. Instead, please visit the test certificate authority, locate your certificate, and press the lock icon to proceed.
  4. Close the wizard; restart jGridstart or refresh (F5/menu). This will show what to do next.

Please test and try to get it to misbehave :) It's alpha-software so you'll probably succeed, this will help me to get it fixed before releasing the software in the wild. Known issues will be added below.

Known issues

  • Major functionality
    • Print and PDF export of verification form shows neither form fields nor their contents
    • Certificate extensions are not preserved when renewing a certificate
  • Small bugs
    • Verification form printout/PDF should fit on a single page
    • Wizard to request a new certificate, retrieve, install and renew it can take a long time to load
    • Import of PKCS#12/PEM files without a private key results in incomplete certificates at next run
    • Selecting a different web browser in installation step still opens default browser when opening a link