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== Change in services ==
There are no known disruptions at this time.
Following a major restructuring, your home directories and other account metadata should now be available again. Please report any problems to grid.sysadmin@nikhef.nl
An actual overview of downtimes for Nikhef's grid services and those of other BiG Grid sites is present at the [http://www.nikhef.nl/~ronalds/downtime/index.php Big Grid downtime overview page].
'''Known issues'''
* The update of all worker nodes to CentOS4 and gLite 3.1 on Wednesday August 15, 2007 did cause some collateral damage that has now been repaired. All worker nodes should now be available again, with CentOS4 and gLite-3.1. ''Note for VOs with locally installed software: your software installation and any tags you publish will NOT be affected by this upgrade. It is up to each VO to manage software across this upgrade''.
'''Planned changes'''
* none
== Where to go for which service ==
; User Interface : any local NIKHEF workstation running SLC4 is capable of acting as a UI. For those of you who have been granted access to the NFPD Centralised UI: use ''ui03.nikhef.nl''
; BDII and Information System : ''bdii03.nikhef.nl'', or via LDAP <tt>ldap://bdii03.nikhef.nl/o=Grid</tt>
; Computing Element : ''ce03.nikhef.nl''
; Resource Broker : ''rb03.nikhef.nl'' (currently: boszwijn.nikhef.nl)
Registration with one of the Dutch VOs is now avaialble from [https://voms.grid.sara.nl:8443/vomses https://voms.grid.sara.nl:8443/vomses]. This machine has taken over the role of "mu4" as of August 2007.

Latest revision as of 19:41, 22 March 2012

There are no known disruptions at this time.

An actual overview of downtimes for Nikhef's grid services and those of other BiG Grid sites is present at the Big Grid downtime overview page.