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Setting and applying ACLs on the deel and nikopn BigIron RX series

The ACLs on deel and nikopn can only be inbound, and should eb applied to all physical and virtual interfaces in a consistent way in order to be effective. Since deel contains many different kinds of networks, it is logically easier to think of the protected to be applied to the outbound direction, i.e. what kind of traffic you allow to flow towards a particular subnet, instead of thinkging aboutn the traffic allowed inbound. However, the outbound ACLs you would need to implement the logical idea are not supported on the BigIron-RX series hardware. Similarly, access-policy-groups cannot be used.

To offset this limitation, a translation utility (tr-acl) has been built to convert logical access control rules in a set of inbound-only ACLs to be used on the foundry. It converts a high-level description of all connected subnets and the list of access controls to be applied in a set of inbound ALCs, one for each subnet. Onle ACEs relevant to the connected subnet are actually put in the ACL, to limit it's total length. For this reason, the list of connected networks in the ruleset is critical!

To work in this way, you:

  1. write or update the high-level description. The one used for deel (MLX) is in the private SVN "ndpf" repository (ndpf/nl.nikhef.ndpf.config/router/ ). Make sure to commit and log changes
  2. run the tr-acl command: tr-acl > /tftpboot/deelmlx.acl
  3. load the new ACLs in the router: cop tftp run deelmlx.acl
  4. apply them to the interfaces: conf t and ip rebind-acl all
  5. check to make sure that the CAM has not been exhausted and all ACLs actually have been applied. There should be no errors if you give the command: sho log
  6. check if the ACLs actually work (e.g. use ssh to bosui from various places), and if not, try un and rebinding the ACls to each ve

Example ruleset

The ruleset language looks an awful lot like the foundry syntax, but defines a couple of new constructs like subnetwork definitions, fixed pre- and post-fixes, and simple (non-recursive!) macros. For example

! ruleset for router
interface interconnect
 ! ban forged source IPs from entering
 ! do this once we configure IPs on our own VLANs
 prepend deny ip any
 prepend deny ip any
! macro definitions
stanza permit-webserver
 permit tcp $src $dest eq http
 permit tcp $src $dest eq ssl
! actual rules start here
 ! always allow established connections but filter localdomain
 permit tcp any any established
 deny ip any
 deny ip any
 ! HTTP and SSL servers on gridsrv are accessible from anywhere
 ! and deny all other traffic
 deny ip any any

CAM and ACLs

The SVN subdirectory also contains a simple script to inspect CAM usage on the line cards. The CAM is used for storing the ACLs and is very, very limited on the BigIron RX series. In particular:

  • each 10G port on a 4-port line card has 1024 words of CAM
  • each set of 12 1G ports on a line card (fibre, copper or telco) has 1024 words on CAM
  • each ACL takes between 2 and 8 words of CAM!


The foundry-tracl utility also has translators for IPv6 (when IPv6 access-lists are applied on inbound interfaces, which is needed even for the MLX-series routers since you cannot have inbound v4 and v6 ACLs on the same PPRC at the same time. Grrrr.

The 'tr6-acl' utility is pure-perl, but due to the length of the v6 prefixes and the matching algo it is a very slow tool. The 'ftr6-acl' tool uses a C-library for address matching, and relies on NetAddr::IP for that. NetAddr::IP is avaialbel from CPAN and common EL repos. Syntax is the same as for tr-acl (apart from the obvious use of v6 addresses).