Thesis page ATLAS Nikhef
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This pages gives an overview of the theses produced in the Nikhef ATLAS group.
Ho to add a new document to this list:
- Copy the pdf file to /www/pub/experiments/atlas/Theses/ at Nikhef
- Edit this wiki page by adding a line to the corresponding category (or send a mail to Ivo)
PhD theses |
Name | Year | Title | Thesis |
Zdenko van Kesteren | 2010 | Identification of muons in ATLAS | (pdf) |
Jochem Snuverink | 2009 | The ATLAS muon spectrometer: commissioning and tracking | (pdf) |
Maaike Limper | 2009 | Track and vertex reconstruction in the ATLAS inner detector | (pdf) |
Niels van Eldik | 2007 | The ATLAS muon spectrometer : calibration and pattern recognition | (pdf) |
Thijs Cornelissen | 2006 | Track fitting in the ATLAS experiment | (pdf) |
Marcello Barisonzi | 2006 | Mass measurements of the top quark in electroweak production channels at ATLAS | (pdf) |
Rene Scholte | 2003 | Data read-out and Bc production in ATLAS | (pdf) |
Marcel Vos | 2003 | The ATLAS inner tracker and the detection of light supersymmetric Higgs bosons | (pdf) |
Simon Peeters | 2003 | The ATLAS semiconductor tracker endcap | (pdf) |
Joost Visser | 2003 | Muon tracks through ATLAS | (pdf) |
Martin Woudstra | 2002 | Precision of the ATLAS muon spectrometer | (pdf) |
Ernst-Jan Buis | 2002 | Detecting R-parity violation in the Atlas inner detector | (pdf) |
Master theses |
Name | Year | Title | Thesis | Supervisor |
Merlin Kole | 2010 | Phenomenology of Extra-Dimensional Higgsless Models | (pdf) | Bob van Eijk |
Jeroen van Leerdam | 2010 | Higher order QCD corrections in top-antitop production at the LHC | (pdf) | Bob van Eijk |
Joris Hartman | 2009 | Timing and calibration of the ATLAS RPC trigger chambers | (pdf) | Peter Kluit |
Barbara Millan Mejias | 2008 | Optimization of Vector Boson Fusion Higgs candidate selection | (pdf) | Max Baak and Peter Kluit |
Irene Niessen | 2008 | Supersymmetric Phenomenology in the mSUGRA Parameter Space | (pdf) | Wim Beenakker and Nicolo de Groot (RU Nijmegen) |
Egge van der Poel | 2007 | Dark current in Monitored Drift Tubes and RASNIK commissioning at Atlas | (pdf) | Harry van der Graaf and Carel van Eijk (TU Delft) |
Menelaos Tsiakiris | 2007 | Online selection of fully hadronic tt decays with the ATLAS detector | (pdf) | Sander Klous |
Sander van Til | 2007 | Scalar top pair production in ATLAS | (pdf) | Paul de Jong |
Nicole Ruckstuhl | 2007 | Testing a mSUGRA dark matter annihilation model for the EGRET gamma ray excess with ATLAS | (pdf) | Ivo van Vulpen |
Martijn Gosselink | 2006 | Upsilon production in hadronic collisions | (pdf) | Bob van Eijk |
Alex Koutsman | 2005 | Pulse Analysis for ATLAS MDT Twin Tubes | (ps) | Harry van der Graaf |
Zdenko van Kesteren | 2004 | Angular orientation reconstruction of a Hall sensor calibration setup | (pdf) | Frank Linde |
Bachelor projects |
Name | Year | Title | Thesis | Supervisor |
Marco van Woerden | 2009 | Pt-snede bij pionverval in de ATLAS detector (dutch) | (pdf) | Ivo van Vulpen & Marcel Vreeswijk |
M.R. Willemse | 2009 | The Discovery Potential of the Heavy W-Boson from Little Higgs Theory | (pdf) | Marcel Vreeswijk |
Bardo Bakker | 2008 | Extra dimensies (dutch) | (pdf) | Ivo van Vulpen |