DAQ systems
FELIX is one of the main components of the new ATLAS TDAQ architecture. This DAQ system will be installed in all the ATLAS sub-detectors in Run 4.
At Nikhef, a setup has been assembled in lab N221 with the purpose of training before petal arrival. In this setup, shown below, Phase-I FELIX (FLX-712) is used.
Due to the lack of petals at the time, the first sensor to test was an old barrel module with one ABC chip and one HCC chip, but no sensing material and no AMAC chip (there is a wire bond in its place to provide power). The VLDB+ with the Nikhef adapter board substitutes the EoS board, since the module has no AMAC chip, there is no external connection between the VLDB+ and the Nikhef adapter board, but whenever we use a module with it, we will need to connect them through a mini-HDMI cable. The lpGBT on the VLDB+ is not efused. For more information about this training setup, you can contact Andrea García Alonso ([[1]]).
Later on in 2023, the PPB-R5-petal from Vancouver arrived to Nikhef. This petal is empty except for the R5 module on the top side.
How to connect to FELIX: Follow these FELIX instructions !!!! Or these ones if you have a petal: FELIX instructions for Petals.
To run scans, the necessary repositories are:
Useful links I gathered during the first months working with the FELIX system:
- The ATLAS FELIX project webpage
- https://atlas-project-felix.web.cern.ch/atlas-project-felix/
- FELIX manual latest version
- https://atlas-project-felix.web.cern.ch/atlas-project-felix/dev/staging/www/user/felix-user-manual/versions/Latest/
- ATLAS FELIX lab (also called playground) at Nikhef
- https://redmine.nikhef.nl/et/projects/atlas-felix/wiki/Atlas_setup_in_H148
- Latest FELIX Phase II PDR indico page (status and introduction of the software, hardware and test activities)
- https://indico.cern.ch/event/1108368/
- TTC specs on edms
- https://edms.cern.ch/document/2379978/1
- For further reading about timing, trigger and control
- relevant page in the TDAQ phase II TDR: https://cds.cern.ch/record/2285584/files/ATLAS-TDR-029.pdf#page=105
- LPGBT webpage
- https://lpgbt.web.cern.ch/lpgbt/
For access to the lpgbtv1 manual, subscribe to lpgbt-users@cern.ch egroup
Other egroups (meetings, information, updates etc): atlas-tdaq@cern.ch, atlas-tdaq-software@cern.ch, atlas-tdaq-felix-users@cern.ch, atlas-tdaq-felix-developers@cern.ch
- Tests at CERN SR1
- https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/FelixStripsTestsAtSR1, https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/FelixStripsTestsAtSR1#lpGBT_configuration_with_VLDB
- Twiki page of the DAQ Demonstrator
- https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/HGTDDaqDemonstratorEMU
- FELIX Software for testing
- https://gitlab.cern.ch/itk-felix-sw/itk-felix-sw/-/blob/master/Readme.md