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My Genesys is connected to the second ethernet interface eno2 of the ITk server (see the red ethernet cable going to the ITk server in the picture). The IP on eno2 has to be the same as the one shown on the display of the Genesys ( for my Genesys), but changing the last digits, for example: You can modify this in:
My Genesys is connected to the second ethernet interface eno2 of the ITk server (see the red ethernet cable going to the ITk server in the picture). The IP on eno2 has to be the same as the one shown on the display of the Genesys ( for my Genesys), but changing the last digits, for example: You can modify this in:
<code>vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno2</code>  
- In CentOS 7: <code>vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno2</code>
- In Alma Linux 9: <code>sudo nmcli connection modify eno2 ipv4.addresses</code>  
For the changes to take effect, you have to restart the network with the command:
For the changes to take effect, you have to restart the network with the command:
<code>sudo /etc/init.d/network restart</code>
- In CentOS 7: <code>sudo /etc/init.d/network restart</code>
- In Alma Linux 9: <code>sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager</code>
Create the directory: sctdaq/sctvar/config/ and inside of it, create these folders: <code>config/</code> <code>data/</code> <code>etc/</code> <code>ps/</code> <code>results/</code>. Copy all the configuration files from <code>itsdaq-sw/config</code> to <code>/sctdaq/sctvar/config/</code> and execute the following commands:
Create the directory: sctdaq/sctvar/config/ and inside of it, create these folders: <code>config/</code> <code>data/</code> <code>etc/</code> <code>ps/</code> <code>results/</code>. Copy all the configuration files from <code>itsdaq-sw/config</code> to <code>/sctdaq/sctvar/config/</code> and execute the following commands:

Revision as of 12:40, 22 May 2024

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For petal reception, two setups are required: FELIX (the one ATLAS will use) and Genesys (the one used by the petal manufacturers before shipping them to Nikhef). Genesys doesn't require servers and it's more simple than FELIX.

More info about the Genesys2 card can be found here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/Genesys2ITSDAQ

ITSDAQ firmware: https://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~warren/upgrade/firmware/?C=M;O=D

Firmware: https://www.hep.ucl.ac.uk/~warren/upgrade/firmware/genesys2_itsdaq_vc5f0_FDP_STAR.bit

ITSDAQ software: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas-itk-strips-daq/itsdaq-sw

Documentation of the ITSDAQ software: https://atlas-strips-itsdaq.web.cern.ch (previous tracker documentation was called SCTDAQ and sometimes names may be mixed along the documentation).

Genesys setup at SR1. Picture by Punit Sharma ([[1]]) 14/10/2022

Working chain with VLDB+ and Nikhef adapter board: G2 --> FMC-QSFP --> VLDB+ --> Adapter Board --> Module

Genesys setup at lab N221 at Nikhef, mounted on 31st October 2022, consisting of a Genesys2 with FMC-QSFP and transceiver connected to the module through the VLDB+ and the adapter board which have the role of an EoS card:

ITk-server in Nikhef lab N221. It will be moved to the cleanroom when petals arrive to Amsterdam. In this picture, both FELIX (through blue fibers) and Genesys (through red ethernet cable) are connected to this server
Genesys setup mounted on 31/10/2022 in lab N221 at Nikhef. The whole setup is shown in the picture (no servers involved as in the case of FELIX)

How to configure the Genesys setup:

After installing the firmware and software, the server and Genesys must be able to communicate if the IP addresses are set correctly. You can check this with:


My Genesys is connected to the second ethernet interface eno2 of the ITk server (see the red ethernet cable going to the ITk server in the picture). The IP on eno2 has to be the same as the one shown on the display of the Genesys ( for my Genesys), but changing the last digits, for example: You can modify this in:

- In CentOS 7: vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno2

- In Alma Linux 9: sudo nmcli connection modify eno2 ipv4.addresses  

For the changes to take effect, you have to restart the network with the command:

- In CentOS 7: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart

- In Alma Linux 9: sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Create the directory: sctdaq/sctvar/config/ and inside of it, create these folders: config/ data/ etc/ ps/ results/. Copy all the configuration files from itsdaq-sw/config to /sctdaq/sctvar/config/ and execute the following commands:

cd itsdaq-sw
(cd /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/releases ; lcgenv/latest/lcgenv -p LCG_96python3 x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt ROOT) > env_file
source ./env_file
export BOOSTDIR=$BOOST__HOME/include
source /cvmfs/sft.cern.ch/lcg/views/LCG_100/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/setup.sh
python waf configure
python waf build
python waf install
export SCTDAQ_VAR=/home/aalonso/sctdaq/sctvar/config
export SCTDB_USER=0001

Once everything is set correctly, the commands configure, build and install no longer need to be executed.

The following GUI will be opened:

GUI that opens after executing RUNITSDAQ

-- Main.AndreaGarciaAlonso - 2022-10-20