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Ntuples from Monte Carlo samples and from data are produced from AODs mainly (and optionally from ESDs or D2PDs). The basic ntuple is in AMAEvent format. Specific analyses can produce structured and/or flat ntuples directly from the AMAEvent.

AMAEvent format

The content of the AMAEvents depends on the structure of the configuration file used in the AMAAthena package. The corresponding files (holding an extension .conf) are under the AMAAthena/Config directory. Details on the AMA package may be found here: AMAMainPage, unfortunately a quite outdated twiki. --- Need to update the information on the analysis package ---

To accomodate various analysis standards the AMAEvents are aimed to be as broad as possible, with minimal pre-selection and by including as much as possible information. Production of AMAEvents from both data10 and MC can be followed from here: AutoD3PDMaker

Ntuples for tT cross-section analysis

The tT cross-section analysis is using the AMAUser package and modules (under /AMAUser/Modules/ ) of the package to process AMAEvents into Structured Ntuple format.
