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The package PackageExample won't compile, due to missing #include statements in the headerfile, and missing use statements in the requirements file.


The package MuonIdHelpers is not known by package PackageExample. Via the requirements file one can state the location where to look for the package:

use MuonIdHelpers MuonIdHelpers-* MuonSpectrometer


This file should at least tell the code that there exist a class Trk::Perigee. So one should add the line

#include "TrkParameters/Perigee"

How do we know this? By using the LXR cross-referencer and looking for the class Perigee. There are more classes called Perigee, but there exist only one Trk::Perigee (in the Tracking domain).


To make sure that the package TrackParameters is known by the PackageExample, one should edit the requirements file:

use TrkParameters TrkParameters-* Tracking/TrkEvent