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---+ Physics Validation (New page)

---++ Latest news on the status of validation:

  * NewsforPhysicsUsers: The updated status wiki
  * [[1][Meeting agenda]]: Davide's introctory talk is a sumamry of the latest developments

--- ---++ Combined Performance Validation:

  * ElectronGamma
  * FlavourTagging
  * JetandEtMissValidation
  * MuonSoftwareValidation
  * [[2][TauValidation]]
  * [[ValidationRTT][Inner Detector Tracking]]

---++ Generators/MCTruth

  * GeneratorValidation
  * [[3][MCTruth task force report]]

---++ The validation sample (sample A)

A sample of about 100,000 Physics events and single particles was defined in collaboration with the combined performance groups. This sample should be processed (eg simulated and reconstructed) every time a new functional release is available starting from release 11.

Events that belong to the validation sample are processed using un-validated releases. They should be used for validation studies and tuning of the software performance, but not for Physics studies.

  * Sample definition: ValidationSample
  * Validation histograms produced with sample A: ValidationHistograms
  * Files are available at CERN at: /castor/
  * Status of the CERN replica and tool used to replicate them: SampleAReplicaStatus   

---++ Samples for Physics studies

---+++ Rome Workshop samples:

  * Samples produced for the Rome ATLAS Physics workshop: RomeOverviewWiki

---+++ Computing System Commisioning samples:

  * File naming convention: FileNamingConvention
  * The complete list of proposed CSC samples can be found at: 
  * Production status:
  * How to get CSC files: CscGetFiles

---++ Other links:

  * The Atlas WorkBook documentation 
  * Physics Analysis Tools page*: PhysicsAnalysisTools