MuonRay analysis software

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How to make a new MuonRay release

  • Container version convention: v<main_version>r<sub_version> e.g. v10r0.

If any of the included packages has increased its main_version, increase main_version (and set r0), e.g. v11r0; otherwise increase the sub_version. e.g. v10r1.

  • Sub-package version convention. A sub-package should increase its main_version

in case of a changed interface (shared memory or shared functions or shared header files between sub-packages). Also in case of other major changes.

  • Make a new cmt package version of the MuonRay container package.

The version directory is located directly below the top MuonRay directory. (currently /project/atlas/users/r82/MuonRay)

cd MuonRay

cp -a <latest_version> <new_version>

Then do a 'cmt config':

cd <new_version>/cmt

cmt config

You can check the used versions with:

cmt show uses

  • The requirements file of the MuonRay container package (in the MuonRay/<version>/cmt subdirectory)

contains a list of 'use' statements, which indicate the included packages with their version numbers. The version numbers should be explicitly specified including the sub_version. The cmt macro MuonRay_components (in the requirements file) contains the names of the packages to include in the tarfile. If you add or remove a package, change both the use statements and this macro!

  • Make a tarfile using the script.

Go to directory: /project/atlas/users/r82 en type: <package> <version>, for example MuonRay v7r0

Each package uses the pattern 'tarfiles' (defined in MuonRayPolicy) to specify the files of that package that should be included in the tarfile.

How to install MuonRay

From the directory where you want to install the software, call the script: /project/atlas/users/r82/ <version> e.g.

/project/atlas/users/r82/ v7r0

This will copy the tarfile, unpack it and compile all the packages. Ready to use! You should have cmt installed, for example by including the nikhef atlas setup script in your shell startup script (.cshrc, .zshenv etc.).

How to use

See tutorial on [Martin's Cosmic Ray page].