Lamp logbook

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According to the spec sheet: "The Hamamatsu part number L11798-01 Deuterium Lamp H2D2 Light Source Unit has a MgF2 window material with a guatanteed lifetime of 1000 hours." We'd like to know how close to the guaranteed lifetime of the lamp we are. So, if you turn on the lamp, please add in the table below how long the lamp has been turned on.

Date Time (hours) Cumulative (hours)
10/02/2022 1 1
04/03/2022 1 2
21/11/2022 3 5
24/11/2022 5 10
25/11/2022 4 14
11/04/2023 0.5* 14.5
12/04/2023 2.5 17
13/04/2023 0.5* 17.5
14/04/2023 0.5* 18
20/04/2023 0.5* 18.5
09/05/2023 0.5* 19
10/05/2023 2.5 21.5
16/05/2023 1 22.5
17/05/2023 5 27.5
23/05.2023 3 30.5
24/05/2023 4 34.5
25/05/2023 5.5 40
26/05/2023 1.5 41.5
27/05/2023 4.5 46
15/06/2023 3 49
16/06/2023 4 53
27/06/2023 0.5* 53.5
13/09/2023 0.25 53.75

* Estimation of the time the lamp has been turned on. Lamp has been turned on (mostly for alignment) but the logbook does not specify the amount of time.