Under construction
- This wiki: https://wiki.nikhef.nl/lhcb/Upgrade/VeloModules
- gitlab for module production: https://gitlab.cern.ch/velo-upgrade-module0-documentation
- ELOG: https://webapps.nikhef.nl/elog/VELO_Upgrade_Cooling_VELOpix/
- zoom: https://cern.zoom.us/j/98687873748?pwd=UXVOMXJaSHJZZlVVVDY5Z01LT2pWQT09
- google documents:
* production status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aQUv3_9Cp1Wo5tmCbe4lyL7TXjcZVb4F1SLHjV4-ZqY * module status: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hnCGsmCTcDe4o2m7lTcTWRrB2gXco2-zq2ImWTs1_b8
- Progress reports in MT meetings: http://www.nikhef.nl/pub/experiments/bfys/lhcb/vertex/documents/minutes/
- OPP reports: http://www.nikhef.nl/pub/experiments/bfys/lhcb/vertex/documents/oppreports/VeloUpgradeModules/
- LHCb Velo upgrade web page: https://lbtwiki.cern.ch/bin/view/VELO/VELOUpgrade
- photographs:
- Project Fact Sheet
- project plan
- timeline (gantt chart)
Setup for module production QA (last update 22/9/2016)
There are two tests:
1. quick electrical test ("20 seconds"), mainly to check that wirebonds are ok. This test should take place in the clean-room. For this we need:
- LV (incl. PC for controls?)
- fibers to connect to DAQ
- database to summarize results
2. burn-in test ("24 hours"). For this we need:
- LV
- HV (till 1000V; must have precise current control/monitor )
- PC with PVSS to control LV and HV
- fibers to connect to DAQ
- PC to run data analysis (needs to happen in real time as data volumes are very large)
- database to summarize results
- 19 inch rack
- CO2 cooling
- vacuum tank
- if not in the cleanroom, a 'tent' to protect setup
DAQ system
We will have only one DAQ system, the so-called 'mini-DAQ'. A system consists of a PCI express card in an ASUS ESC 4000 G3 server PC. (See https://www.asus.com/us/Commercial-Servers-Workstations/ESC4000_G3/). As we have only one system, we either need to do both tests in the same place, or pull fibers.
CO2 Cooling
A lot of what we do depends on where we do test 2. If we do it in the clean room, then we need a blow system for the CO2. If we do it in the vacuum lab, then we need to pull a lot of optical fibers. To take this decision, we need to understand:
- when is the blow system available? how often do we need to change bottles? is bottled CO2 dry and clean enough? is a blow system with cryogenic CO2 an option?
- is the standard CO2 cooler reliable enough?
Information for cooling and test location decision:
Schedule / action list
Things that we can prepare before the decision on the location of test 2:
- finish the vacuum tank (Q4 2016)
- collect LV and HV units, 19 inch rack (Q4 2016)
- configure the PC for LV and HV controls (Q1 2017? does this make sense if we do not have a module yet?)
- prepare DAQ system (Q1 2017)
Recent presentations in module-0 meeting
- Wouter 14/10/2016 https://indico.cern.ch/event/487184/contributions/2340517/
- Wouter 17/01/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/602994/contributions/2440570/
- Freek, 7/3/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/605171/contributions/2508169/
- Freek, 31/01/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/605166/contributions/2461509/
- Freek, 10/01/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/598997/contributions/2427915/
- Freek, 27/6/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/643148/
- Wouter 11/7/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/643150/
- Jesse, 25/7/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/643152/
- Freek, 1/8/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/643153/
- Freek, 8/8/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/643154/
- Freek, 15/8/2017 https://indico.cern.ch/event/643155/