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Still in your local environment, you need to decide which hosts or cluster(s) will be upgraded.
Still in your local environment, you need to decide which hosts or cluster(s) will be upgraded.
For the initial test, only use the installation testbed (ITB). If there are problems, they will not affect all production machines.
For the initial test, only use the installation testbed (ITB). If there are problems, they will not affect all production machines.
To define the gLite update version for a specific host, define variable GLITE_UPDATE_VERSION in the object template ($L/cfg/cluster/''<clustername>''/profiles/profile_''<host>''.tpl) before the line <tt>include machine-type/<type></tt>:
variable GLITE_UPDATE_VERSION ?= "31";
include machine-types/se_dpm_disk;
To define the gLite update version for an entire cluster, set the update version number in $L/cfg/cluster/''<clustername>''/local/pro_facility_config.tpl:
    if ( ! exists( GLITE_VERSION ) ) { error("GLITE_VERSION undefined"); };
    if ( GLITE_VERSION == "glite-3.1" ) {
        return('31');                      # gLite 3.1 update 31
    else {
        return('44');                      # gLite 3.0 update 44

Revision as of 13:55, 15 December 2008

Updating a glite release

Updating a gLite release consists of the following steps:

  • Synchronizing our copy of the gLite repository with the official release repository at CERN
  • Generating Quattor templates for the updates and creating a new gLite update branch in the name space
  • Compilation of the profiles for the hosts in the Installation Test Bed using the new gLite updates
  • Deployment and troubleshooting
  • Using the last gLite updates as default for all clusters

The following notes were taken during the upgrade from glite-3.1-update-29 to glite-3.1-update-31. These notes depent heavyly on our installation and might not be applicable at other Quattor installations without major changes, paste and copy will surely not work.

Synchronization of the local gLite repository

As ndpfmgr@stal

  • Run the script ~/bin/mirror-glite-3.1

This synchronizes our gLite 3.1 mirror at stal (under directory /project/quattor/www/html/mirror/glite) with the official repository at CERN (fetch release from: http://glitesoft.cern.ch/EGEE/gLite/).

Generation of the update templates & creation of a new update branch

This needs to be executed in your own working Quattor environment, either at a Quattor server (e.g. stal) or your own laptop. It assumes that you have a working Quattor environment, in particular the definition of an environment variable $L pointing to a usable Quattor repository checkout.

Generating the update templates

First argument of rpmUpdates.pl script is the directory of the mirror created as ndpfmgr before.

  • $L/../bin/rpmUpdates.pl /project/quattor/www/html/mirror/glite/3.1/generic/sl4/x86_64/updates/ > /tmp/31-i386
  • $L/../bin/rpmUpdates.pl /project/quattor/www/html/mirror/glite/3.1/generic/sl4/x86_64/updates/ > /tmp/31-x86-64

The commands above create Quattor templates that will replace all existing packages (in the Quattor profile) with the most recent versions found in the update repositories. Note that this is a blunt approach that does not take into account packages that were added or deleted as part of an update.

Creating a new update branch

Our Quattor hierarchy contains one directory hierarchy per gLite update. This structure permits to select which gLite updates will be installed per cluster or even per individual node. There is also a site-wide default setting.

The easiest way to create an update branch is to copy an existing one:

  • cd $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/update/
  • cp -a 29 31

The copied branch still contains the directories that Subversion uses internally. They need to be removed:

  • find $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/update/31 -type d -name .svn -exec rm -rf {} \;

The templates in the new branch still contain the namespace paths for the original branch. They need to be corrected because otherwise the compilation will fail.

  • for file in `grep -H -r "/29/" 31/* |awk -F : '{print $1}'`; do sed -i "s/\/29\//\/31\//g" $file; done

Then replace the template containing the updates with the contents of the template generated by rpmUpdates.pl. Note that this is not a straightforward operation because the original update template may contain manual additions (or deletions). The generated template only ensures that the newest version of each rpm is installed. Unfortunately this is usually not sufficient for gLite release since an update release may introduce new packages (found in the release repository and thus not processed by rpmUpdates.pl) and package dependencies may require additional rpms to be installed (or deleted). It requires manual editing to ensure that such customizations are copied from the original update template to the newly generated one. Specifically for gLite 3.1, the Torque packages should be uncommented in the generated repository because newer gLite releases contain updates for them in the externals repository.... Note: pay attention to the namespace in the template! The generated one does not match the required namespace and will thus cause compilation errors.

  • cp /tmp/31-i386 $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/update/31/i386/rpms.tpl
  • edit $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/update/31/i386/rpms.tpl

Note: if the generated templates were stored somewhere under $L/cfg, they will cause compilation errors because their namespace will not match. They need to be deleted or moved to another directory.


Still in your local environment, you need to decide which hosts or cluster(s) will be upgraded. For the initial test, only use the installation testbed (ITB). If there are problems, they will not affect all production machines.

To define the gLite update version for a specific host, define variable GLITE_UPDATE_VERSION in the object template ($L/cfg/cluster/<clustername>/profiles/profile_<host>.tpl) before the line include machine-type/<type>:

variable GLITE_UPDATE_VERSION ?= "31";
include machine-types/se_dpm_disk;

To define the gLite update version for an entire cluster, set the update version number in $L/cfg/cluster/<clustername>/local/pro_facility_config.tpl:

    if ( ! exists( GLITE_VERSION ) ) { error("GLITE_VERSION undefined"); };
    if ( GLITE_VERSION == "glite-3.1" ) {
        return('31');                       # gLite 3.1 update 31
    else {
        return('44');                       # gLite 3.0 update 44

try to compile one host template or an entire cluster.

  • edit $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/glite/defaults.tpl replace update version nr to the actual one (set new update to default version)
  • makexprof -u -f itb tbn09 (try to compile it for some testbed node)
  • check if the changes for 64 bit are also OK, for example: makexprof -f prd hooi-ei-12
  • if OK, submit the changes to CVS

Deployment (and troubleshooting)

Again as ndpfmgr@stal. Get the updates committed as normal user above, confirm they compile, push profile to a testbed node, here are the steps:

  • cd $/cfg
  • cvs upd -APd
  • makexprof -u -f itb tbn09
  • pushxprof -u -f itb tbn09
  • if OK, push profiles to itb: makexprof -f itb
  • pushxprof -f itb

And finaly-A, since Quattor does some kind of package management

If you get noticed, preferably by a monitoring system (if you don't have one -good luck), that something does not work you could try the following:

  • Logon the host who shows problems
  • tail /var/log/ncm/ncd.log
2008/10/02-15:25:30 [INFO] Errors while configuring spma (1)
2008/10/02-15:25:30 [ERROR] 1 errors, 0 warnings executing configure

This tells us, that we actualy have to look into

  • tail /var/log/spma.log
2008/10/02-15:25:28 [WARN] Errors found:
depcheck: package glite-UI 3.1.19-0 needs glite-amga-api-python >= 1.3.0-1
depcheck: package glite-UI 3.1.19-0 needs glite-amga-cli >= 1.3.0-4
there were 2 dependency problem(s) and 0 conflict(s)

With this information now simply visit the web page which has the rpm list for this particular server, in our case: http://glite.web.cern.ch/glite/packages/R3.1/deployment/glite-UI/3.1.20-0/glite-UI-3.1.20-0.html

These packages have to be added to the respective rpm list, step wise:

And finaly-B, again as normal-user@stal

Here the "Quattor package managing" for the ui is wrong. Note that you don't add it to the updates directory, this goes to the "base list".

  • In our example the following should work:
cat << EOF >> $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/glite/ui/rpms.tpl
  • makexprof -f prd bosui
  • If compilation is successful proceed with:
cvs commit

And finaly-C, again as ndpfmgr@stal

Get the updates commited as normal user above, confirm that they compile, push profile to the node that misses packets (here bosui, an UI)

  • cd $L/cfg/grid/glite-3.1/glite/ui
  • cvs update rpms.tpl
  • makexprof -u -f prd bosui
  • if OK, pushxprof -u -f prd bosui
  • check monitoring system

Loop till all services are useable again