NDPF UidsAndGids

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UID and GID number allocations on the NDPF clusters

Permanent Accounts

Global User ID Allocations
Label UidNumber Qty Uid-prefix Scope VO(s) Definition Comments
25 1 named ELPROD local bind user
55 1 ldap ELPROD local LDAP user (defined by RH)
95 1 nagios ELPROD local Nagios local probe runner
96 1 nrpe ELPROD local Nagios remote probe runner
453 1 DAS2 reserved (DAS2 account Willem)
500 - 699 200 NDPF LDAP NDPF login accounts (see LDAP)
800 - 899 100 NDPF LDAP reserved for temporary login account
900 - 950 50 NDPF LDAP reserved for global service accounts
970 - 999 30 NDPF LDAP reserved for gLite service accounts
970 1 dpmmgr ELPROD local DPM file owner and stats cron job
993 1 rgma ELPROD local RGMA daemon
995 1 edguser ELPROD local information system query/RB service
997 1 glite ELPROD local glite daemons LCG-CE
999 1 edginfo ELPROD local information system query

Pool Accounts

Pool ID Allocations
Label UidNumber Qty Uid-prefix Scope VO(s) Definition Comments
P-Infra 40000 - 40999
40000 - 40049 50 wpsix NDPF EDG-WP6 LDAP dis.
40100 - 40149 50 iteam NDPF EDG-Iteam LDAP dis.
40200 - 40299 100 dteam NDPF EGEE-DTeam LDAP
40500 - 40599 100 pvier NDPF VLe-P4 LDAP
41000-41099 100 dzero NDPF FNAL-D0 LDAP
43000-43199 100 atlas NDPF LCG-ATLAS LDAP
44000-44009 10 atlsm NDPF LCG-ATLAS LDAP w/atlas membership
44500-44509 10 lhcbsm NDPF LCG-LHCb LDAP w/lhcb membership
44700-44709 10 cmssgm NDPF LCG-CMS LDAP w/cms membership
45000-45099 100 alice NDPF LCG-Alice LDAP
47000-47099 100 lhcb NDPF LCG-LHCb LDAP
50000-50099 100 cms NDPF LCG-CMS LDAP
50500-50599 100 biome NDPF EDG-BIOMED LDAP also: EGEE-BIOMED
51000-51099 100 eo NDPF EDG-EarthOb LDAP dis.
51500-51599 100 tutor NDPF EDG-Tutorial LDAP also: EGEE-NE-tutor
52000-52049 50 esr NDPF EGEE-ESR LDAP
52200-52249 50 ncf NDPF NLGRID-NCF LDAP catch-all VO
52400-52424 25 asci NDPF NL-ASCI-RS LDAP
52600-52619 20 astrop NDPF NIKHEF-APP LDAP
52800-52819 20 astron NDPF NLGRID-ASTRON LDAP
53000-53099 100 babar NDPF SLAC-BARAR LDAP
53200-53224 25 vlemed NDPF VLE-SP1.3 LDAP
53300-53309 10 biomes NDPF EGEE-BIOMED LDAP w/biome membership
53400-53409 10 troi NDPF EGEE-GEAR LDAP gear sgm group
53500-53509 10 poola NDPF EGEE-GEAR LDAP gear users
53700-53709 10 poolb NDPF ??????????? LDAP unknown
53800-53909 10 poolc NDPF ??????????? LDAP unknown
54100-54109 10 poold NDPF ??????????? LDAP unknown
54300-54324 25 ridgrd NDPF RIDGRID-VO LDAP catch-all VO
54400-54424 25 phicos NDPF BiGGrid-PHICOS LDAP
54500-54504 5 phicsm NDPF BiGGrid-PHICOS LDAP w/phicos membership
54600-54624 25 geant NDPF LCG-Geant4 LDAP
54700-54724 25 ops NDPF EGEE-OPS LDAP
54800-54824 25 emutd NDPF VLE-EMU3D LDAP
54900-54924 25 vlibu NDPF VLE-IBU LDAP
55000-55024 25 vledut NDPF VLE-DUTELLA LDAP
55100-55124 25 vldbi NDPF VLE-BIODIV LDAP status unknown?
55200-55224 25 vlefi NDPF VLE-FOOD LDAP also VLE-AID use
55300-55324 25 lhcbpr NDPF LCG-LHCb LDAP w/lhcb membership
55400-55424 25 dans NDPF BiGGrid-DANS LDAP
55500-55524 25 zeus NDPF DESY-ZEUS LDAP
55600-55609 10 (deploy) NDPF LDAP removed
55700-55724 25 auger NDPF AUGER LDAP
55800-55809 10 augsm NDPF AUGER LDAP w/auger membership
63000-64000 1000 (reserved) NDPF - - old ridgrid testbed
65000-65024 25 atla NDPF LCG-ATLAS LDAP NO atlas membership
70000-70024 25 atlb NDPF LCG-ATLAS LDAP w/atlas membership
70200-70224 25 atlc NDPF LCG-ATLAS LDAP NO atlas membership
70400-70409 10 rascl NDPF RASCLIC LDAP
70500-70549 50 calice NDPF ILC CALICE LDAP
70600-70624 25 scia NDPF SCIAgrid LDAP
70700-70899 100 virgo NDPF Virgo LDAP
70900-70999 50 lsgrid NDPF LSGRID LDAP
80000-80999 1000 dyn NDPF generic LDAP dynamic pool accounts
81000-89999 9000 dyn NDPF generic LDAP (reserved) dynamic pool accounts


Global Group ID Allocations
Label GidNumber Qty Gid-prefix Scope VO(s) Definition Comments
25 1 named NDPF local named user
55 1 ldap NDPF local ldap user
100 1 users NDPF LDAP default local users group
311 1 (uva) DAS2 UvA group DAS2 (for Willem)
503 1 tbadmin NDPF LDAP NDPF system administrators
510 1 tbusers NDPF LDAP NDPF old-style local users
511 1 d0mcc NDPF LDAP D0 MC data owner
512 1 niklhcb NDPF LDAP NDPF old-style local users
513 1 nikantas NDPF LDAP Local Antares users
514 1 nikdzero NDPF LDAP Local D0 users
515 1 nikatlas NDPF LDAP Local ATLAS users
516 1 niktheor NDPF LDAP Local Theorie users
517 1 nikalice NDPF LDAP Local Alice users
518 1 nikct NDPF LDAP NDPF sysadmins and CT
599 1 tmpusr NDPF LDAP Group for temporary users (Uids 800-899)
900 1 infosys NDPF local Group for edguser, edginfo and rgma
970 1 dpmmgr NDPF local dpmmgr user
975 1 nagios NDPF local nagios user
976 1 nagiocmd NDPF local Nagios group for execution of commands
977 1 nrpe NDPF local Nagios NRPE group for execution of remote commands
992 1 accuser NDPF local accuser user
993 1 rgma NDPF local rgma user
995 1 edguser NDPF local edguser user
997 1 glite NDPF local glite user
999 1 edginfo NDPF local edginfo user
1507 1 D0 NDPF LDAP Legacy D0 group
2000- n VOs NDPF LDAP Groups for pool accounts (see LDAP)
4525 1 (ups) dis. (FNAL UPS products)