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* A key is identified using the pair ''username'' / ''label'', where username is obtained using the provided access_token. When a key is added without specifying a ''label'', a unique one is created using the prefix ''ssh-key-'' followed by a unique sequence number.
* A key is identified using the pair ''username'' / ''label'', where username is obtained using the provided access_token. When a key is added without specifying a ''label'', a unique one is created using the prefix ''ssh-key-'' followed by a unique sequence number.
* A certain public key must be unique for all users, i.e. may only occur once in the ''ssh_keys ''table in the ''oa2server'' database.
* A certain public key must be unique for *all* users, i.e. it may only occur once in the ''ssh_keys'' table in the ''oa2server'' database.
* Each user may have at most 5 public keys registered, the maximum being configurable in the server config file (<tt>/var/www/server/conf/cfg.xml</tt>) file via <tt><sshkeys max="5"/></tt>
== Configuration ==
The API is configured via the MasterPortal's server configuration file, <tt>/var/www/server/conf/cfg.xml</tt>, via the <tt><sshkeys></tt> node.<br>
There are currently (v.0.2.0) two configurable parameters:
* The maximum number of public keys a user may register, via the <tt>max</tt> attribute,
* The name of the OAuth2 scope required for making use of the API, via the <tt>scope</tt> attribute.
<!-- Specify allowed number of SSH keys -->
<sshkeys max="5"

Revision as of 12:39, 2 September 2019