Maintaining local Yaim functions

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Get the latest sources from CVS

Do a checkout or update of the directory nl.nikhef.ndpf.yaim from the CVS repository. It will create a sub directory nikhef-yaim-local containing the sources.

The CVS repository requires the following environment:

Modify the sources

You should know how to do that :-)

Build the package

The file config.version contains the current version number and release number. To build the rpm while preserving the version and release number in config.version, use the command

make rpm

To build and automatically increase the release number, use

make release

To increase the version number, manually modify config.version and use 'make rpm'.

The resulting rpm package will be available in <BUILDROOT>/RPMS/noarch.

Use the freshly built rpm from Quattor profiles

Copy the rpm built in the previous step to a repository on the Quattor server stal. The current location for the package at stal is /project/quattor/www/html/mirror/nikhef. Ensure that the rpm is owned by the user ndpfmgr.

To include the new version of nikhef-yaim-local in the Quattor profiles, edit the template

$L/cfg/facility/<FACILITY>/lcg2/yaim/pro_lcg2_config_yaim.tpl where $L is the base directory of the Quattor configuration.

Search this file for the following lines:

# NIKHEF local yaim setup
"/software/packages" = pkg_repl("nikhef-yaim-local", "X.Y.Z-R", "noarch");

where X.Y.Z is the version number and R the release number. Change the version and release numbers to match those of your package.

Finally, make and deploy your quattor profile!

Note: The ncm-yaim component only executes when it detects changes in its configuration file. To manually trigger execution of the yaim configuration, execute the following command:

ncm-ncd --configure yaim

or even

/opt/lcg/yaim/scripts/configure_node /etc/lcg-quattor-site-info.def <NODE TYPE> [NODE TYPE] ...