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The LCMAPS-plugins-robot package has been developed for EGIs Long Tail of Science pilot project. Unlike the normal LCMAPS plugins, it uses a so-called Per-User Sub-Proxy (PUSP) as input. These proxies are RFC3820 compliant proxy delegations from robot certificates, containing (anonymised) identifying information about the actual user in the added proxy CN field, they are typically generated inside a webportal for users logging in via a SSO system. Hence the different LCMAPS-plugins-robot modules use the first proxy DN instead of the EEC DN for their mapping or banning decisions. The plugin treats the proxy as a valid PUSP if it satisfies:

  1. the proxy is a valid RFC3820 proxy
  2. its EEC is a robot-type certificate:


An typical example lcmaps.db showing the different plugins plus two policies, one for pool-account based mappings, the other for local-account based mappings:

path  = /usr/lib64/lcmaps
# module definitions
verify_proxy = "lcmaps_verify_proxy.mod"
               " -certdir /etc/grid-security/certificates/"
               " --allow-limited-proxy"

# Normal banning module: e.g. for robot EEC
ban_dn = "lcmaps_ban_dn.mod"
         "-banmapfile /etc/grid-security/ban_users.db"

# PUSP banning module
robot_ban_dn = "lcmaps_robot_ban_dn.mod"
               "-banmapfile /etc/grid-security/ban_users.db"

robot_local = "lcmaps_robot_localaccount.mod"
              "-gridmapfile /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile"

robot_pool = "lcmaps_robot_poolaccount.mod"
              "-gridmapfile /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile"
              "-gridmapdir /etc/grid-security/gridmapdir/"

# Different policies
ban_dn -> robot_ban_dn
robot_ban_dn -> verify_proxy
verify_proxy -> robot_pool

ban_dn -> robot_ban_dn
robot_ban_dn -> verify_proxy
verify_proxy -> robot_local

In combination with gLExec, this would allow to do user-switching based on individual Per-User Sub-Proxy DNs.

Further reading

General information on gLExec and LCMAPS can be found on the gLExec wiki pages.

man pages

Each plugin comes with its own man page. Online version can be found here: