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* the /var/patches/applied files will result in the "updates" field in XenCenter being updated. This window will also show the reboot-required status if the patches/applied meta-data so indicates
* the /var/patches/applied files will result in the "updates" field in XenCenter being updated. This window will also show the reboot-required status if the patches/applied meta-data so indicates
* reboot nodes if needed (rotating and moving VMs as needed)
* reboot nodes if needed (rotating and moving VMs as needed)
== Connecting to the graphical console of a VM via VNC ==
When a VM becomes unreachable, but is still running, as a last resort one could try to connect to the graphical console that every machine still has. It's nicely tucked away in the innards of XenServer, but the following little script should help. It's available on pool-piet.inst.ipmi.nikhef.nl.
# locate the host with the graphical console for the given vm
# find the vnc port and connect the vnc viewer
vmuuid=`xe vm-list name-label="$1" --minimal`
if [ -z $vmuuid ]; then
    echo "Could not find VM named $vm" >&2
    exit 1
residenton=`xe vm-param-get uuid=$vmuuid param-name=resident-on`
residenthost=`xe host-list uuid=$residenton params=name-label --minimal`
vncport=`ssh $residenthost xn console-list $vm | awk '$1 == "RFB" { print $2 }'`
if [ -z $vncport ]; then
    echo "Could not find VNC console for $vm"
    exit 1
echo "Issue the following command from your workstation:
ssh -L 5901:localhost:$vncport -f -N root@$residenthost
vncviewer localhost:5901
    exit 1
echo "Issue the following command from your workstation:
ssh -L 5901:localhost:$vncport -f -N root@$residenthost
vncviewer localhost:5901

Revision as of 12:18, 14 December 2015