Setup guide for ActiveMQ as regional broker

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This guide is meant to be an aid in setting up an ActiveMQ messaging broker for the use of a regional messaging service. The setup only assumes a single node, if you wish to set up a network of brokers please refer to [1]. The first two parts cover the simple installation and configuration setup, while the last part is targeting a specialized use case in which a broker can be configured as a relaying service.


Since it's a java based service, first you need to make sure to have java installed. After getting the latest release for ActiveMQ [2][3] you can unpack it to /opt/.

tar xzf apache-activemq-5.11.1-bin.tar.gz
mv apache-activemq-5.11.1 /opt
ln -s /opt/apache-activemq-5.11.1/ /opt/activemq

You can start and stop the broker service with

/opt/activemq/bin/activemq [start|stop]

By default ActiveMQ comes with a sample configuration that defines a simple broker with some existing transport connectors (endpoints for clients, consumers and producers alike). You should be able to use these endpoints right away with any queue or topic, since by default ActiveMQ lets you define new queues/topics on the fly. This can be restricted by access control rules described later on.


The installation will leave you with an unconfigured broker. To configure the way you broker behaves you have to edit the /opt/activemq/config/activemq.xml file. Inside the file every change in the broker configuration has to be made inside the <broker> bean definition. Make sure to complete the definition of your broker bean with an 'id' (makes it easier to reference this bean later on) and a 'brokerName' which is usually the same as the hostname. The rest of the flags will be discussed later on.

<broker id="broker" xmlns="" brokerName="national-broker" dataDirectory="${}" useJmx="true" persistent="true">


To set up a ssl+stomp endpoint in the broker you have to make sure to define a transport connector inside the broker definition. This looks like the following:

   <transportConnector name="stomp+ssl" uri="stomp+ssl://"/>

Alternatively you can also define an unsecured endpoint with the 'stomp' keyword only. However, if you wish to use SSL you will also have to define the right sslContext for the broker. This can be done by adding the following into your bean definition:

   <sslContext keyStore="file:${activemq.conf}/broker.ks" keyStorePassword="password"
               trustStore="file:${activemq.conf}/broker.ts" trustStorePassword="password" />

The keyStore and trustStore are two java stores that can be created with the 'keytool' utility. The keyStore contains the host certificate that is used to authenticate this broker, while the trustStore contains trusted user and/or CA certificates.






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