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Change in services

The Classic Storage Element tbn15.nikhef.nl (alias se03.nikhef.nl) will be removed from the information system at Monday 17-Nov-2008. Access via gridftp to the storage element will remain available until further notice.

After removal of the service from the information system, the lcg-* tools (e.g. lcg-cr, lcg-cp) can no longer be used to access the data on this storage element.data on this storage element.

EGEE-broadcast: https://cic.gridops.org/index.php?section=rc&page=broadcastretrieval&step=2&typeb=C&idbroadcast=37321

Where to go for which service

User Interface
any local NIKHEF workstation running SLC4 is capable of acting as a UI. For those of you who have been granted access to the NFPD Centralised UI: use ui03.nikhef.nl
BDII and Information System
bdii03.nikhef.nl (top-level) and siteinfo03.nikhef.nl (site GIIS), or use LDAP via, e.g., ldap://bdii03.nikhef.nl:2170/o=Grid
Computing Element
ce03.nikhef.nl (currenty: gazon.nikhef.nl)
Resource Broker
rb03.nikhef.nl (currently: boszwijn.nikhef.nl)
Workload Management System

Registration with one of the Dutch VOs is now avaialble from https://voms.grid.sara.nl:8443/vomses.