SAC software procedures

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This page contains several procedures regarding the release process of the Grid Security Middleware.

Source distribution release procedure

This is the Software release procedure for Grid Security Middleware. This page describes that what to do when your software is ready for public distribution as source tarball. These tarballs can be used by anyone who likes to do their own local builds, but they are also used to generate RPM (Red Hat) and deb (Debian) packages.

Mandatory Check list

  1. make distcheck: sh bootstrap && ./configure && make distcheck must result in "Ready for distribution"
  2. Update the version of the component in the
  3. BUGS: Updated the BUGS file in the component directory with known issues
  4. NEWS Updated the NEWS file: write release notes like information. Hint which version solves the problem.
  5. ChangeLog: a "svn update ; svn log -v > ChangeLog" for the time being.
  6. INSTALL: Update installation instruction file (if applicable)
  7. README: Update the README file with more useful information
  8. Be sure to perform an svn ci here
  9. create a tag in the version control system.

Extra info: Source repository details

The main source repository for these components is, which can be used with SVN in the following ways:

SVN with SSH public key authentication (NB. username is always svn):


SVN with https access:

SVN with http access:

Creating a tag in Grid Security Middleware

We take the example for glexec, but this will be a valid set of sets for any component:

  • Go to the trunk, and make sure it's up to date:
# For glexec:
cd mwsec/trunk
svn update
cd ..
  • Check out the tags directory for the component exclusively:
svn co --depth=empty svn+ssh://
cd tags
svn co --depth=immediates svn+ssh://
cd glexec
  • Copy the HEAD from trunk into the tag directory, the directory name is only named by it's version:
svn copy ../../trunk/glexec 0_8_2
cd 0_8_2
  • Make a list of the used SVN externals. Resolve the externals as local files for each tag:
svn propget svn:externals > my_externals.txt
  • Make a list of the files associated to each external and remove the externals in the current SVN directory:
svn propdel svn:externals
  • For each entry in the my_externals.txt file and each file associated to them do something like:
rm -rf src/{safefile-1.0,environ,realpath,fileutil}
svn copy ../../../trunk/cgul/{safefile-1.0,environ,realpath,fileutil} src/
rm -rf m4
for i in project/*.m4 ; do mfour=`basename $i`;svn cp --parents ../../../trunk/m4/${mfour} m4/${mfour} ; done
rm my_externals.txt
cd ..
  • (easier than the above, just for the m4 macros which is the most common case, DO NOT USE FOR gLExec and EES:)
svn propdel svn:externals
rm -rf m4
for i in project/*.m4 ; do mfour=`basename $i`;svn cp --parents ../../../trunk/m4/${mfour} m4/${mfour} ; done
  • Commit!
svn commit

Release software as tarball

The software tarballs should be released and made available for download in The exact procedure is as follows:

  • Make a clean/fresh check out the tag:
cd $HOME/your_clean_dir/
svn co svn+ssh:// glexec_0_8_10
cd glexec_0_8_10
  • Run the ./bootstrap on fc17.testbed
cd ${topdir}
  • Run the ./configure on mwsecbuild.testbed
cd ${topdir}
mkdir BUILD && cd BUILD

This is required to have consistency in the versions of the autotools that are used in the distributed software.

  • Create release tarbal:
make distcheck
  • generate a SHA1 and SHA256 checksum of the tarball and place it in a file with the same name but with the .sha1 extension.
sha1sum <component>-<version>.tar.gz > <component>-<version>.tar.gz.sha1
sha256sum <component>-<version>.tar.gz > <component>-<version>.tar.gz.sha256

For lazy people:

for FILE in `ls *.tar.gz`; do echo $FILE; sha1sum $FILE > $FILE.sha1; sha256sum $FILE > $FILE.sha256; done
  • Copy the tarball and the sha1 and sha256 checksum files to:<component>/release-candidate/
  • Verify that this tarball can be used for packaging, and that the packaged software works.
  • After sufficient certification, release the software by moving it to to the parent directory, and have the release manager sign the hashes by putting them in a GPG-signed e-mail to

Generating RPM packages from the distributed tarballs

Note: how to use mock to test-build can be found on the Building RPMs using mock page.

The following steps need to be taken:

Update the SPEC file

  • Either check out or update the SPEC files directories from the SVN repository
    svn co svn+ssh://
    cd fedora/trunk


    cd fedora/trunk
    svn update
  • Edit the spec file
    For a new version (the source has changed):
    • Edit the spec file by updating the Version: field to correspond to the new version.
    • Reset the Release: field to 1, but don't delete %{?dist}.
    • Update build dependencies if necessary.
    For a new release (the source has not changed):
    • Edit the spec file by increasing the Release: field by 1, but don't delete %{?dist}.
  • Add a ChangeLog entry to reflect the changes in this release, briefly. See Fedora Guidelines for guidance.
  • Check in the spec file. Use the ChangeLog entry as the commit message.

Starting the Koji build by creating a new tag for the SPEC file

  • Go to the packaging/fedora/tags/<component> directory
  • Update svn:
    svn update
  • Create a new tag:
    svn mkdir <tag>
  • Copy the spec file from the trunk directory
    svn copy ../trunk/<component>.spec <tag>
  • Create a new Makefile (don't forget the svn add or svn copy from an older tag. It should contain something like
    dir = $(shell pwd)
    version = $(notdir $(dir))
    component = glexec
            curl -O$(component)/$(component)-$(version).tar.gz
            sed -i -e 's/^Version: .*/Version: $(version)/' $(component).spec
  • Commit will automatically trigger a koji build:
    svn commit

Adding koji tags to the builds

Once koji is finished (see e.g. koji list-tasks or use the web-interface via http://koji-hub.testbed/koji/tasks) the results should be tagged as release or testing: Either

koji tag-pkg dist-epel5-testing <component>-<version>.el5
koji tag-pkg dist-epel6-testing <component>-<version>.el6
koji tag-pkg dist-fc16-testing <component>-<version>.fc16
koji tag-pkg dist-fc17-testing <component>-<version>.fc17


koji tag-pkg dist-epel5-release <component>-<version>.el5
koji tag-pkg dist-epel6-release <component>-<version>.el6
koji tag-pkg dist-fc16-release <component>-<version>.fc16
koji tag-pkg dist-fc17-release <component>-<version>.fc17

Builds can be moved from testing to release using e.g.

koji move-pkg dist-epel5-testing dist-epel5-release lcmaps-1.5.7-1.el5


Updating the mash repositories

When a new build has been tagged into either release or testing, the repositories need to be recreated using mash. This currently has to be done on koji-hub.testbed. The easiest way is to run the script


Alternatively, run the following steps:

  • Set correct umask:
    umask 0002
  • First run mash on all the repositories:
    for dist in epel5 epel6 fc16 fc17 ; do
        mash -o /mnt/mwsec/mash ${dist}-release
        mash -o /mnt/mwsec/mash ${dist}-testing
  • Merge in the old mock-based builds:
    tar -C /mnt/mwsec/rpm -zxvf /mnt/mwsec/old_releases.tgz
  • Run createrepo and repoview manually on the epel5-release repository. Note the -s sha since RedHat5 does not yet support sha256.
    for arch in i386 x86_64;do
        createrepo -s sha --unique-md-filenames -d --content=binary-$arch -x "*debuginfo*" ${repo_dir}$arch
        createrepo -s sha --unique-md-filenames -d --content=debuginfo-$arch ${repo_dir}${arch}/debug
        repoview -f -t "MWSEC for EPEL5 - $arch" -u "/dist/mwsec/rpm/epel5/${arch}" -i "*debuginfo*" ${repo_dir}${arch}
        repoview -f -t "MWSEC for EPEL5 - debuginfo-$arch" -u "/dist/mwsec/rpm/epel5/${arch}/debug" ${repo_dir}${arch}/debug
    createrepo -s sha --unique-md-filenames -d --content=source ${repo_dir}SRPMS
    repoview -f -t "MWSEC for EPEL5 - SRPMS" -u "/dist/mwsec/rpm/epel5/SRPMS" ${repo_dir}SRPMS
  • Make sure all files are group-writable again:
    find /mnt/mwsec/mash/ -not -perm -g=w -exec chmod g+w "{}" \;

Syncing with

The repository on is rsync-ed from which contains only symlinks to the mash directories. This is necessary since mash cannot easily handle the combination epel5 testing/epel5. The directory layout is

rpm/epel5 -> ../mash/epel5-release
rpm/epel6 -> ../mash/epel6-release
rpm/fc16 -> ../mash/fc16-release
rpm/fc17 -> ../mash/fc17-release
rpm/testing/epel5 -> ../../mash/epel5-testing
rpm/testing/epel6 -> ../../mash/epel6-testing
rpm/testing/fc16 -> ../../mash/fc16-testing
rpm/testing/fc17 -> ../../mash/fc17-testing

The rsync command to run from is


or run manually

rsync --exclude=epel5/SPECS\* --del -rltpgv --copy-unsafe-links /srv/project/mwsec/rpm/

'NOTE': the / after the first rpm/ is necessary. Alternatively chdir to /srv/project/mwsec/rpm/ and use . instead.


  • RPMs will reside in either testing or the normal repository but not in both.
  • Older RPMs are symlinked from the mock directories in /srv/project/mock/rhel5/.
    Newer RPMs will be copied from the koji builds found in /mnt/koji/dists/ (an NFS mount from put.testbed).
  • noarch RPMs are symlinked (mock) or copied (koji) to both x86_64 and i386 (cf. the EPEL repository).

Using the repository in a YUM repo file requires something like the following:

name=Middleware Security Software

name=Middleware Security Software testing

Generating Debian packages from the distributed source tarballs

Main article: SAC Debian packaging.

With every new release of a software package, the Debian packages for various supported distributions (Debian as well as Ubuntu) need to be updated.

All of the software components that have already been debianized can be updated using the following steps. Of course, any serious changes in the software need to be reviewed carefully, especially when it comes to shared library symbols.

These steps assume that you've set up your personal Debian toolset.

Building e.g. for Debian squeeze

  • svn-buildpackage -S
  • cd ../build-area/
  • dpkg-source -x <component>_<version>-1.dsc
  • cd <component>-<version>
  • dch -D squeeze -b -v <version>-1~bpo60+1 "Rebuild for squeeze"
  • dpkg-buildpackage -S
  • cd ..
  • cowpoke --dist=squeeze --arch=amd64 <component>_<version>-1~bpo60+1.dsc
  • cowpoke --dist=squeeze --arch=i386 --dpkg-opts=-B <component>_<version>-1~bpo60+1.dsc

Putting the results in the main repository

  • ssh ref-debian6-64.testbed
  • dput mwsec-squeeze /var/cache/pbuilder/squeeze-amd64/results/<component>-<version>-1~bpo60+1_amd64.changes
  • dput mwsec-squeeze /var/cache/pbuilder/squeeze-i386/results/<component>-<version>-1~bpo60+1_i386.changes
  • rsync -a -vP --delete /var/local/debian-repository/debian/