Debugging hints

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Here are some useful things to check and mention when contacting us for help:

Check the version of the gLExec version:

The latest released version is gLExec version: 0.6.8-3

/opt/glite/sbin/glexec -v

Check the file permissions of the gLExec executable.

For all run-modes of gLExec, the gLExec must be executable for all user:

0111, 0555, 0755; owned by root:glexec or root:root.

For running gLExec in setuid mode, the gLExec must be executable for all user and have at least the setuid bit on the user:

4111, 4555, 4755; owned by root:glexec or root:root.

For running gLExec in setuid mode, the gLExec could also be setgid too (this solves a bug in the file log at the first run of gLExec):

6111, 6555, 6755; owned by root:glexec or root:root.

Before continuing with testing: The gLExec Exit Codes and the Environment variables

Take the Exit codes of gLExec and Proxy file handling in gLExec pages into consideration before proceeding. It will tell all the details about the used environment variables and the exit codes of gLExec and might be useful input before testing gLExec.

Test the exit codes by printing them on the shell by showing the value of $? Example:

/opt/glite/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/id -a; echo $?

Execute with exported GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT and exported X509_USER_PROXY, with the full path

export GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=`pwd`/mkproxy-x509-voms
export X509_USER_PROXY=`pwd`/mkproxy-x509-voms

Is the user account that tries to use gLExec whitelisted?

Method 1.: the calling account is a member of the 'glexec' primary or secondary group.

Method 2.: the account or the pool is whitelisted in the glexec.conf. See the glexec.conf man page for more details on the whitelist options: man 5 gLExec.conf

Example test script for gLExec

Testing basic functionality:


TESTPROXY=/tmp/x509up_`id -u`


/opt/glite/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/id -a ; echo $?

Testing with the transfer of a specific proxy file:


TESTPROXY=/tmp/x509up_`id -u`


/opt/glite/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/id -a ; echo $?