Automated generation of Xen VMs
From PDP/Grid Wiki
This stuff is still a bit rough at the edges, it will take a bit more effort to put it in an RPM package. So until that time, here's the recipe to configure it manually.
Draw the scripts from [the VLeForge CVS repository]. They will need some tailoring.
You need the following other stuff:
- Apache web server
- Xen DomU installation kernels
- LVM volume group with plenty of free space
- plenty of free space in /var/local/xen
- NFS server
Create the directories
/var/local/xen /var/local/hostkeys
The former will have almost all the stuff we need, the latter will have ssh host keys (possibly also SSL certs+keys)
You want to serve /var/local/xen, so add
<Directory /var/local/xen> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None </Directory> Alias /xen /var/local/xen
to your Apache configuration (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf.d/xen.conf)
To distribute keys to hosts, make the xen and key directories NFS mountable. Add this line to /etc/exports.
/var/local/xen,async,no_root_squash,insecure) /var/local/hostkeys,async,no_root_squash,insecure)