Particle Detection B
Revision as of 15:27, 31 March 2020 by (talk | contribs)
Put here all relevant material for students
To do
- Email to students with Zoom details
Lecture format:
- divide each lecture in 2 (or 4) topics,
- ask the students to write lecture notes of 4-6 pages of a topic in groups of 3 students,
- derivation of equations in appendix
- a template of the lecture notes for each topic will be provided.
- lecture notes
- each group takes lecture notes on 1 (or 2) topic(s) they were not involved in, and presents this in 15 minutes to the rest of the group.
- Total number and students sub-divide?
Groups of 3 students each to work on the assignments.
- Group 1:
- Group 2:
- Group 3:
- Group 4:
Lecture 1: Intro and Power Spectral Density
The Intro should contain:
- What do we measure with an interferometer.
- Slides 6 - 12,
- Lecture Kip Thorne:
- Effect GW on test masses (mirrors)
- See this Saulson lecture, this topic is covered from about minute 45 onwards:
- Saulson Chapter 2: ...
The PSD chapter should contain
- Sensitivity curves - Power Spectral Densities
- Saulson Ch4, Blandford and Thorne section 6.4 (at the end of this page),
- Lecture Kip Thorne:
Date to hand in assignment: Wednesday April 6
Lecture 2: Gaussian beam, Fabry-Perot cavities
Topic should contain:
Date to hand in assignment:
Lecture 3: Interferometry (general, Michelson) and Interferometer for GW detection (power and signal recycling)
Topic should contain:
Date to hand in assignment:
Lecture 4: Low frequency noise: seismic and Newtonian noise, suspension systems
Lecture 5: Low to mid frequency noise: suspension wire and mirror thermal noise, coatings, monolithic suspensions
Lecture 6: Low to high frequency noise: quantum noise, laser (power), squeezing
Lecture 7: Sensing & control and/or future detectors
APPLICATIONS OF CLASSICAL PHYSICS, 2012-2013 Version of Textbook by Roger D. Blandford and Kip S. Thorne:
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