Using the Grid/Loading Modules
"The VL-e Proof-of-Concept software distribution is a collection of tools for e-science on the grid, especially for use in the VL-e project. This collection is composed of open source tools and in-house developments to support the broad range of sciences that VL-e embraces. The PoC distribution is meant both for the grid infrastructure (worker nodes) and for user interface machines, to make sure the same versions of the software are used everywhere."
This means that these modules can be loaded from within a job; the modules are also installed on the UI machines; for testing and debugging purposes.
The VL-e proof of concept (PoC) environment is installed in modules. To see which modules are available type in:
module avail
The output will look something like this
jeroene$ module avail --------------------------------------------- /opt/vl-e/modules/Modules/versions ---------------------------------------------- 3.2.6 ----------------------------------------- /opt/vl-e/modules/Modules/3.2.6/modulefiles ----------------------------------------- dot module-cvs module-info modules null use.own -------------------------------------------------- /etc/opt/vl-e/modulefiles -------------------------------------------------- fsl/4.0 ibis/1.4 kepler/1.0.0rc1 mricro/1.39.3 pl/5.6.64 vlet/1.0 fsl/4.0.4 itk/3.14 lam/7.1 octave/2.1 r/2.6 vlet/1.0.2 fsl/4.1 itk/3.14.0 lam/7.1.4 octave/2.1.73 r/2.6.2 vtk/4.4 fsl/4.1.4 itk/3.4 mcr/7.9 openmpi/1.3.2 r/2.9 vtk/4.4.2 gat/1.8 itk/3.4.0 mesa3d/6.4 openrdf-sesame/2.0 r/2.9.2 vtk/5.4 gat/1.8.2 java/1.6 mesa3d/6.4.2 openrdf-sesame/2.0.1 rmpi/0.5 vtk/5.4.0 graphviz/2.18 javagat/1.7 mpitb/2.1 paraview/3.2 srb/3.4 weka/3.4 gt/4.0 javagat/1.7.1 mpitb/2.1.73 paraview/3.2.1 srb/3.4.2 weka/3.4.12 gt/4.0.8 kepler/1.0 mricro/1.39 pl/5.6 taverna/1.7.1 -------------------------------------------------- /etc/opt/lsg/modulefiles --------------------------------------------------- matlab/r2006b matlab/r2009b(default) mcr/v75 matlab/r2008b mcr/7.11 python/2.6.4
To load a module, for example python/2.5 you can type
module load python
module load python/2.5
Here the name of the module is seperated of the version by a forward slash /.
When you omit /version the latest version of the module will be loaded.
To list the modules currently loaded you can type
module list
To unload a module:
module unload module[/version]