Using the Grid/Job status

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In order to know the status of your submitted jobs use

glite-wms-job-status <JobID>

This command queries the Logging and Bookkeeping service (LB) for the status of the job whose job id is used as an argument.

If you have saved your jobIds into a file you can use the -i option and use the filename as an argument. Here follows an example with a file called myjobs. This file contains two job identifiers. A menu will pop up asking for the user's input. Here you can choose of which jobs you want to see the status. In the example below, I have chosen to view the status of all listed jobs by typing a.

mgjansen$ glite-wms-job-status -i myjobs

1 :
2 :
a : all
q : quit

Choose one or more jobId(s) in the list - [1-2]all:a


Status info for the Job :
Current Status:     Scheduled
Status Reason:      Job successfully submitted to Globus
Submitted:          Wed Mar 12 13:23:43 2008 CET


Status info for the Job :
Current Status:     Scheduled
Status Reason:      Job successfully submitted to Globus
Submitted:          Wed Mar 12 13:23:49 2008 CET

Note that this command doesn't require a delegation identifier to be specified. The status of the two jobs shown above is Scheduled.

NOTE: In order to know the status of your jobs you have to use this polling mechanism of actively querying for the status. Please do NOT do this every second, but wait at least several minutes before trying again.

When the job finished, you can retrieve the output of the job: How to retrieve the output of a job?