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G-eclipse is a plugin for the eclipse IDE. It offers an environment in which you can submit jobs, copy files to and from the Grid, create simple workflows etc. It is based on pure java and therefore can be used on Windows, Linux and Mac.

G-eclipse functions as an alternative for a UI. Therefore you do not need to login at another machine to use the Grid.

In order to work with g-eclipse you need a working Grid certificate and membership to a Virtual Organization (VO). These should be present on the machine on which you have installed G-eclipse.


G-eclipse can be found here

Choose the newest milestone edition and follow the installation instructions on this site.


When you start up eclipse with G-eclipse installed as a plugin you are able to make a grid project. Choose

file -> Other -> geclipse -> grid Project

Now you can follow the wizard which helps you to create a grid project. Important here is the creation of a VOMS VO. When the creation of a VOMS VO does not work you have not installed the latest version.

Choose a name for the VO, for example lsgrid. Fill in the following information:

host: voms.grid.sara.nl	port:30018
host DN: /O=dutchgrid/O=hosts/OU=sara.nl/CN=voms.grid.sara.nl
information system endpoint: ldap://bdii.grid.sara.nl:2170

The window should look as follows:

File:Voms.gif That's all.

You can find and edit the VO information at any time in th eclipse menu:

Window -> preferences -> g-eclipse -> VO declarations

Select the VO and choose edit.

Also note that you have three new perspectives. These can be accessed at the tab on the top right of your screen. Alternatively go to:

Window -> Open perspective

and choose one of the g-eclipse perspectives.

Documentation about g-eclipse is in the general Eclipse help information: Help -> Help contents.

Another thing you have to do is to make sure you have your grid certificate and private key on your machine. To make a new proxy make use you are in one of the h-eclipse perspectives. In the bottom window you should see a tab named "authentication tokens". When you do not see that check out windows -> show view -> other and look up the "authentication tokens" view. Select it to make it visible in one of the g-eclipse perspectives.

Before creating a proxy certificate for the first time do the follwing:


window-preferences-> g-eclipse -> CA-certificates

Click on Add from repository. Select the European Policy management thingy and click Next twice. Then find and select ca-NIKHEF and click OK. Now g-eclipse knows what CA (central Authority) it can trust. ca-NIKHEF is the CA which has signed your Grid certificates. Note: you have to perform this step only once.

If you do not do this and try to create a proxy certificate anyway g-eclipse will complain. If you click on the first error you see you will be guided to the CA-certicate configuration. You can then proceed as outlined above.

To create a proxy go to the "authentication tokens" tab and right-click in it. Select

new -> VOMS proxy

. Then select your VO and make sure the paths to your certificate and private key are correct. Then type your password and click finish. To make this proxy active select it and click on the small lock button on the right of the tab. Alternatively, use your right mouse button.

File:Auth tokens.gif

When a grid Project has been created you can open up the VO and see the resources it has to offer:


Check out the g-eclipse documentation to start with g-eclipse.