Dans Data Verify

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In the step of this DANS workflow the .tar.gz files are checked, to verify that the md5sum checksums of all files contained in the .tar.gz files match the checksums of the files as found on the DANS data server. This verification step is done on the grid itself, hence we need to submit a set of jobs to the grid. The 'check-tar' script does this automatically. Before starting either the 'compress-tar' script or the 'check-tar' script for the first time a special gridjobs directory needs to be created. The default location for this directory is


so a

$ mkdir -p $HOME/dans/gridjobs

is sufficient. Next, launch the 'check-tar' script:

$ ./check-tar
Found 84 tar.gz files in lfc.grid.sara.nl:/grid/dans/soundbites
Splitting into 11 jobs, start=1, end=84
Delegating proxy
00167  Submitting DANS job 67: https://graskant.nikhef.nl:9000/PJFSZ_piRH8WBnVUXUyVAQ
00168  Submitting DANS job 68: https://grasveld.nikhef.nl:9000/rm19k1kWjtXGaGEjcl6AYA
00169  Submitting DANS job 69: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/dN_QM8ZxIS3JCqa63QmILw
00170  Submitting DANS job 70: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/n_qLv1K_CNC26JQdarqd-A
00171  Submitting DANS job 71: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/bS-C2WTuj1nFw7xpSt2hXw
00172  Submitting DANS job 72: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/Q0cBRixMFsrFgpLyZtK_4g
00173  Submitting DANS job 73: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/ooUaSiBLargL74brqKeS7w
00174  Submitting DANS job 74: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/ux8PPNk71_Utf53a8x-_Yg
00175  Submitting DANS job 75: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/zqBI1QXfOMBKEP7sWDD-aA
00176  Submitting DANS job 76: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/OtU_naI5EYBilqML81krsA
00177  Submitting DANS job 77: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/fl05LVqrQS9JzkXsn73R4Q
00178  Submitting DANS job 78: https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/XVlE9d-ufjWwiZc2EyFsDA

The 'soundbites' archive consists of 84 .tar.gz files which need to be checked. Each gridjob will verify 8 tarballs, hence a total of 11 jobs were submitted. After the jobs have been submitted to the grid you can track the status of these jobs using the 'job-status' script:

$ ./job-status
00167 https://graskant.nikhef.nl:9000/PJFSZ_piRH8WBnVUXUyVAQ         Status=Running
00168 https://grasveld.nikhef.nl:9000/rm19k1kWjtXGaGEjcl6AYA         Status=Running
00169 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/dN_QM8ZxIS3JCqa63QmILw          Status=Running
00170 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/n_qLv1K_CNC26JQdarqd-A          Status=Running
00171 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/bS-C2WTuj1nFw7xpSt2hXw          Status=Running
00172 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/Q0cBRixMFsrFgpLyZtK_4g          Status=Running
00173 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/ooUaSiBLargL74brqKeS7w          Status=Running
00174 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/ux8PPNk71_Utf53a8x-_Yg          Status=Running
00175 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/zqBI1QXfOMBKEP7sWDD-aA          Status=Running
00176 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/OtU_naI5EYBilqML81krsA          Status=Running
00177 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/fl05LVqrQS9JzkXsn73R4Q          Status=Running
00178 https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/XVlE9d-ufjWwiZc2EyFsDA          Status=Running

The grid job ids, starting with https://, look like URLs and that's exactly what they are. The user who submits the job can view the status of that job using a webbrowser, provided that the user's grid certificate is installed in that browser.

See the section DANS Job Scripts for more details on both the 'check-tar' and the 'job-status' scripts.

Job output

When a grid job is finished the 'job-status' script automatically retrieves the output:

00172  https://wms2.grid.sara.nl:9000/Q0cBRixMFsrFgpLyZtK_4g         Status=Done (Exit code=0)
       Retrieving job output into $HOME/dans/gridjobs/00172/output

The status message 'Done (Exit code=0)' means that the job ran successfully and returned an exit code 0, which indicates success.

Wait for all jobs to complete successfully before continuing to the next step.

Comparing the checksums

After all jobs submitted by the 'check-tar' script have successfully completed you can compare the checksums of the files found on the grid against the checksums of the local files. The local checksums were calculated before the files were uploaded to the grid, as part of the Data Upload procedure.

$ ./compare-checksums 
Scanning for DANS 'soundbites' jobs:
00167: check-archive.sh "soundbites    1    8" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00169: check-archive.sh "soundbites    9   16" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00170: check-archive.sh "soundbites   17   24" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00171: check-archive.sh "soundbites   25   32" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00172: check-archive.sh "soundbites   33   40" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00173: check-archive.sh "soundbites   41   48" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00174: check-archive.sh "soundbites   49   56" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00175: check-archive.sh "soundbites   57   64" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00176: check-archive.sh "soundbites   65   72" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00177: check-archive.sh "soundbites   73   80" Comparing md5sums: Equal
00178: check-archive.sh "soundbites   81   84" Comparing md5sums: Equal
Found 11 DANS jobs

This output shows that the MD5 checksums for all files found in the 'soundbites' archive on the grid are equal to the checksums that were generated when this archive was uploaded for the first time.