Using Athena at Nikhef

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Using Athena at Nikhef

For your convenience, you can set up your Athena and GRID environment now by sourcing one script (/data/atlas/offline/ in a Bash shell. If you want to have it available permanently, add it to your ~/.bashrc like
. /data/atlas/offline/

After this, you have basically two new aliases available: athenakitsetup and setup_grid.

The former is a central setup script for several versions of Athena located in /data/atlas/offline/athenatools. It handles different releases and release types (such as AtlasTier0, AtlasProduction, etc), as well as user-specific setup for checking out packages with cmt or running with a debug release. It can be used with different options:

athenakitsetup [version] [tag1,tag2,...] or athenakitsetup -h

The optional version argument will select the release version as well as the installation location of the used release. Some examples:

  • 15.5.3: uses 15.5.3 from CERN afs
  • rel_0: uses rel_0 nightly from CERN afs
  • kit_15.5.3: uses 15.5.3 kit from a local installation directory
  • kitrel_0: uses nightly kit from a local installation directory

It is also possible to use aliases for more complicated or predefined configurations which can be written down in a mapfile. At Nikhef, this file is located at /data/atlas/offline/.map.

Some excerpts:

n15.5.0         kit_15.5.0    /data/atlas/offline/15.5.0
n15.5.2         kit_15.5.2    /data/atlas/offline/15.5.2
n15.5.3         kit_15.5.3    /data/atlas/offline/15.5.3
n15.5.3.8T0     kit_15.5.3.8  /data/atlas/offline/15.5.3  AtlasTier0,opt
n15.5.3.5P1     kit_15.5.3.5  /data/atlas/offline/15.5.3  AtlasP1HLT,opt
n15.5.3.9T0     kit_15.5.3.9  /data/atlas/offline/15.5.3  AtlasTier0,opt

So e.g. athenakitsetup n15.5.3.8T0 will setup the kit 15.5.3 locally at Nikhef, with tags AtlasTier0 and opt.

On the commandline, you can specify additional tags as a comma-separated list after the second argument.

The latter alias setup_grid sets some GRID-specific environment variables and sets GANGA up for your environment.


There are several environment variables you can set in order to control the behaviour of athenakitsetup:

  • TESTAREAROOT: the directory for local packages
  • ATHENAKITDIR: the global kit installation directory (also the location of the .map file)
  • DEFAULTATHENAVERSION: default Athena version/alias to use if run without arguments
  • CERNUSER: user name for logging in at CERN
  • CMTSSHIDENTITY: ssh public key to use if using key authentication with cmt
  • TESTAREASTYLE: simpleTest or oneTest basically (
  • FORCE32BIT: force usage of 32-bit release on 64-bit machines
  • CMTVERSION: e.g. v1r20p20090520
  • ATHENATAGS: default tags for all releases

Setting up the kit

Just run athenakitsetup without arguments (currently defaults to AtlasTier0- It will create $TESTAREAROOT (if it does not exist yet) and check out the RecExCommon package for this release.

Installing the most recent version of AMA

First, setup the Athena release of your choice.

Then, open a shell and issue

chmod +x

After this, follow the instructions given by the installation script.


Q: How can I set a different user name for CERN?
A: Set CERNUSER in your ~/.bashrc

Q: I always have to enter my password a thousand times when checking out packages. How can I fix this?
A: If using Kerberos authentication, you have to put some lines in your ~/.ssh/config:

PubkeyAuthentication no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
ForwardX11 no
GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes

Might now be useful to do: