Difference between revisions of "Software"

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Line 70: Line 70:
*[[ AMA_in_Athena_14_1_0 | Running AMA using Athena release 14.1.0 ]]
*[[ AMA_in_Athena_14_1_0 | Running AMA using Athena release 14.1.0 ]]
*[[AMA_on_Stoomboot_14_2_22 | Running AMAAthena on SARA ESDs release 14.2.22 ]]
*[[ AFS | Accessing /afs/cern.ch from Nikhef]]
*[[ AFS | Accessing /afs/cern.ch from Nikhef]]

Revision as of 16:27, 9 October 2008

Atlas Software Pages

Here you will find the pages on software issues, specific for Atlas. In the past we tried to keep up with a number of pages, but unfortunately they have been outdated by now. Nevertheless you can have a look at them here

External software pages:


Rome Data Sample (NIKHEF):

TTbar analysis

CSC Data Analysis (NIKHEF):

Athena release 13 (Nikhef):


SUSY tools:

