Running ttbar package

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Setting up my ttbar analysis package

For the moment my analysis package only contains a clone of UserAnalysis/AnalysisSkeleton and AnalysisExamples/ttbar (WVE - 21/03/05) (This section needs to be followed once.)

  1. Go to the directory where you want to install the package. The package will appear in a subdirectory named TTBarAnalysis of the chosen directory. If you have run the previous examples then PhysicsAnalaysis/AnalysisCommon may be good place, but you can also just put it in /project/atlas/users/<userid>/ttbar.
  2. Check out the TTBarAnalysis package from the NIKHEF/ATLAS CVS repository: cvs -d/project/atlas/cvs co TTBarAnalysis
  3. Go to the cmt directory: cd TTBarAnalysis/cmt
  4. Execute cmt config
  5. Execute source setup.csh
  6. Build the library: gmake
  7. Go to the run directory: cd ../run
  8. Execute get_files PDGTABLE.MeV. This file needs to be present in your run directory for Athena to work.
  9. Link to the ttbar input directory: ln -s /project/atlas/users/ivov/Rome_project/MCatNLO/AOD AOD
  10. Create the pool file catalog: pool_insertFileToCatalog AOD/*AOD.pool.root

Running my ttbar analysis package

  1. If not already done, goto the cmt directory and execute source setup.csh
  2. Go to the run directory: cd /.../TTBarAnalysis/run
  3. Execute: