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Revision as of 23:31, 14 April 2005

Setup of the generic example analysis

  1. Go to ttbar directory: cd /project/atlas/users/<userid>/ttbar
  2. Check out UserAnalysis package: cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-02-01 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis
  3. cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/UserAnalysis-00-02-01/cmt/
  4. Edit the requirements as follows
use EventKernel              EventKernel-00-*                Event
use CompositeParticleEvent   CompositeParticleEvent-01-*     PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon


use MissingETEvent           MissingETEvent-00-*             Reconstruction
use BTaggingEvent            BTaggingEvent-00-*              PhysicsAnalysis/BTaggingID
use CompositeParticleEvent   CompositeParticleEvent-00-*     PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon
use TruthParticleAlgs        TruthParticleAlgs-00-*          PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon
use ParticleEventAthenaPool  ParticleEventAthenaPool-00-*    PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon
use AnalysisExamples         AnalysisExamples-00-*           PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon
  1. Execute cmt config
  2. source setup.csh
  3. cmt broadcast gmake
  4. cd ../run
  5. get_files AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions.py
  6. get_files PDGTABLE.MeV

Running the generic example analysis

  1. Go to ttbar directory: cd /project/atlas/users/<userid>/ttbar/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/UserAnalysis-00-02-01/run
  2. The default job options files looks for an input file named AOD.pool.root. To make a test run, now make a symbolic link from one of our ttbar production files to AOD.pool.root in this directory: ln -s /project/atlas/users/ivov/Rome_project/MCatNLO/AOD/rome.004100.reco.T1_McAtNLO_top._00001.AOD.pool.root AOD.pool.root. Athena can only find data files that are listed in a so called 'pool catalog'. To make the example file visible to Athena we need to create such a catalog file and insert the above file in it: pool_insertFileToCatalog AOD.pool.root. You can ignore all the TClass warning messages. The result is a file called PoolFileCatalog.xml
  3. Edit the job options file AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions.py to add the following line
    theApp.Dlls += ["TruthParticleAlgs"]
    just above the comment labeled 'the POOL converters'
  4. Run the test job: athena.py AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions.py. The example job produces a few histograms that are written in the ROOT output file AnalysisSkeleton.root

Running the ttbar example analysis

  1. Go to ttbar directory: cd /project/atlas/users/<userid>/ttbar/PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/UserAnalysis-00-02-01/run
  2. Edit the job options file AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions.py' as follows add
theApp.Dlls   += [ "AnalysisExamples" ]
TTBar = Algorithm( "ttbar" )

# The user analysis cuts - default values to changed by the user as needed

TTBar.PreSelectedElectrons = "ElectronCollection"
TTBar.PreSelectedMuons =  "MuonCollection"
TTBar.PreSelectedJets = "TauJetCollection"
TTBar.PreSelectedBJets = "BJetCollection"

# Missing ET options
TTBar.MissingEtObject = "MET_Calib"
TTBar.MissingEtCut = 18.0*GeV
# The event weight - normalization to luminosity and cross section
TTBar.EventWeight = 1.0

# set options for the analysis type
TTBar.DeltaMjj = 25.0*GeV

# histogram folder name
TTBar.HistDirectoryName = "ttbar"

and change AnalysisSkeleton into ttbar in the line below:

theApp.TopAlg   += [ "AnalysisSkeleton" ]
  1. Run the ttbar example analysis job: athena.py AnalysisSkeleton_jobOptions.py. The example job produces a few histograms that are written in the ROOT output file AnalysisSkeleton.root