MuonCalib Tutorial

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Revision as of 13:04, 30 November 2005 by Zkestere (talk | contribs)
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Muon calibration tutorial

Welcome to the Muon Calibration Tutorial Page! After doing this tutorial, you will be able to run Athena, make your ntuples containing segment information. This ntuple can then be used as input to do analysis with help of the skeleton analysis package provided. This analysis package CalibSegmentAnalysis relies heavily on the Calibration framework but is Athena independent.

Much information on validation, calibration and alignment can be found at the MuonSpectrometer homepage.



General information about the need of calibration in the MuonSpectrometer.

Calibration framework

A clear Wiki page on the Calibration Framework by Domizia and Niels can be found on the MuonCalibrationFramework Wiki.

Why segments?

Maybe needed to explain the concept of segments and the calibration EDM, is to be written (work in progress). A starting point of Calibration Segments and its scope in the Reconstruction EDM can be found in a presentation given by Zdenko during the ATLAS Muonweek september-2005 called Calibration Segment Ntuple