MuonCalib Tutorial

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Muon calibration tutorial

Welcome to the Muon Calibration Page! After doing this tutorial, you will be able to run Athena, make your ntuples containing segment information and use this ntuple to do Athena-independent analysis.



General information about the need of calibration in the MuonSpectrometer.

Calibration framework

Link to Niels' stuff on calibration.

Why segments?

Maybe needed to explain the concept of segments.

Making segment ntuples

Setting up ATHENA

Making segment ntuples from scratch with Athena running on release 11.0.0. Since this release is stalled at NIKHEF yet, it is recommended to work at CERN. If you do not have an ATLAS account yet you can get an account here.

  • log on to lxplus:

ssh <username>

  • create a work area (here called 11.0.0)

mkdir 11.0.0

cd 11.0.0/

  • create a requirements file which should look like this:
set          CMTSITE          CERN

macro        ATLAS_DIST_AREA  "/afs/"
macro        ATLAS_RELEASE    "11.0.0"

use          AtlasSettings v* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)

path_remove  CMTPATH          ${PWD}
path_prepend CMTPATH          ${PWD}

source /afs/ Running on single muons sample

Or other samples. Making the appropiate PoolfileCatalog and referring to it with the jobO.

Segment analysis

Setting up the analysis package

From the ntuple on, we can operate Athena-independent <<whew!!>>. The skeleton for the segment analysis will be discussed here.

Customizing your favorite analysis

A skeleton needs some 'meat'...